Coffee for Front Line Medical Staff
This is a work in progress. We aim to support doctors, nurses and health care staff during this time of crisis, offering a $5 coffee to say thank you for the sacrifices you are all making to help keep the rest of us safe. The year of 2020 will never be forgotten. P.P Mary Engert has been in contact with RMH, Western Health with the offer of a donation of $250.00 from our club for coffees to say thank-you to the Doctors, Nurses and Medical Staff.
We have attached a brochure advertising our club to be posted on the coffee shop wall. The coffee shop will also generate $5.00 vouchers with our Rotary Logo that the hospitals will distribute to the Medical staff.
It is also the intention to advertise this in the District Bulletin to other Rotary Clubs
With a central contact number for donations on behalf of Rotary we target
1. Western Health – Mary have organised a main contact and monies donated by any Rotary club will be registered so that she will be able to keep a record to advise this in the District Bulletin and to update this on the Coffee shop wall.
2. RMH - are also printing our vouchers.
3. David Bourke is trying to contact Keilor Hotel, Ferguson Plarres and Bendigo Bank to see if they can help with donations,
4. Ted Haydon has been helping with the graphics for posters.