February - Peace and Conflict Resolution

February - Peace and Conflict Resolution![]() |
100 Christmas Bags100 Christmas Bags - done & dusted for another year With the assistance of a District Grant from the Rotary Foundation, the Rotary Club of Keilor packed 100 Christmas Bags of some $140 value each at the Aberfeldie Bowls Club in the lead up to Christmas. That District Grant was more than matched by Club fundraising, and member and supporter donations. Bolton Clarke Community Nurses picked the Christmas Bags up the morning after they were packed, and began delivering them to their most restricted, isolated, socially and financially challenged patients in the Moonee Valley and Brimbank local government areas. We had a long “production line, and more than 25 Rotarians, family members and friends involved in the packing evening at the Aberfeldie Bowls Club (on a day where the temperature exceeded 40C). This has been an annual project of the Club for more than 20 years – one that provides plenty of hard work, but lots of reward and good fellowship. Delivery of the bags is also an annual highlight for the Community Nurses – and of course for the recipients. ![]() |
Wellness CentreGuest Speaker Tuesday 25th February 7pm at the Keilor Hotel Earlier this year our Club donated more than $16,000 from our Trust Fund to Austin Health. That donation was to fund the purchase of equipment for the Olivia Newton John Cancer & Wellness Centre's gymnasium, to support that facility in providing exercise physiology sessions for its cancer patients. To acknowledge that donation, and to speak to us on the value of exercise physiology in the cancer journey, Dr Ashley Bigaran, Operations Manager, Wellness and Supportive Care at the Olivia Newton John Cancer & Wellness Centre will be joining us at our meeting on Tuesday 25th November. Ashley has been a clinician and researcher in exercise physiology for more than 10 years, has conducted extensive research into the benefits of exercise for cancer patients, and is herself an Senior Accredited Exercise Physiologist. All welcome - just let us know you are coming. $20 includes your meal. info@rotarykeilor.org.au |
Christmas Bags pre 2024![]() Another year of Christmas Bags from the Rotary Club of Keilor As Christmas approaches, our Club is again busily preparing for its annual Christmas Bag project. For more than 20 years this project has seen 100 gift bags distributed annually by Bolton Clarke Community Nurses to their most isolated, restricted and loneliest patients in the Moonee Valley and Brimbank local Government areas. Often recipients of our Christmas Bags don’t have a network of family, friends or community, and our aim is to offer them some small measure of comfort and joy at Christmas time. We always look to have our bags contain basic food supplies, toiletry and personal care items, as well as some seasonal “goodies” that, together, go some way to providing meaningful support and an uplift in spirit. That support and uplift in spirit is always visibly demonstrated in the reports we receive from Bolton Clarke each year. The project depends heavily on our fundraising, our supporters providing us with monetary donations and/or with product supplies with which to fill the bags. In a whole of Club effort, we will be packing the Christmas Bags in early December, with the Community Nurses delivering them in their pre-Christmas patient visits. For this year we are very pleased to have the support of a district grant from The Rotary Foundation. |
October Economic and Community Development Month![]() |
May -Youth -Services -Month
Covid Protective EquipmentIn late February 2024 our Rotary Club was asked by Holloway Aged Care facility in Keilor East if we could assist it by disposing of a huge accumulated quantity of excess, brand new, Covid 19 Personal Protective Equipment, comprising:
So, it was 253 cartons (comprising almost 21,180 individual items, with a conservative value exceeding $50,000) – enough to fill a small shipping container, and so much that it had rendered Holloway’s Community Hub unavailable for its daily activities. All of our initial offers to major hospitals and health facilities went nowhere because it seemed they all had the same issue – they also were holding huge supplies of their own. ![]() We began the distribution with a trickle of smaller deliveries, some to the Rotary District D9800 Donations in Kind Store, some to a local Medical Centre, and some to a medical research facility, but it was time for some lateral thinking if the project was to be achieved. A preliminary check with a major animal rescue service and a large Veterinary Hospital brought no results, but a few “dog with a bone” members came to the party to the extent that all 253 cartons of equipment found new homes by mid-April – providing recipients with resources and cost savings that they value highly. Large quantities of equipment went to animal rescue and veterinary services, including: Second Chance Animal Rescue
![]() ![]() ![]() Many cartons of Goggles went to Men’s Sheds, including at Aberfeldie, Strathmore, Brimbank, Melton, Taylors Hill, Sunbury, and as far as Birchip. The Sunbury Men’s Shed also requested some gowns to placate wives who were sick of trying to clean resins and glue from member’s clothes. ![]() ![]() Last carton loaded – and the Community Hub is clear and available for its intended use. The project was a great challenge - and in the end we were up for it. JOB DONE. |
April is Environment Month![]() |
Rotary Exchange StudentRotary Club of Keilor is sponsoring a Rotary Exchange student Irene Anderson Pett who is now in Germany. ![]() Recent photos were taken at the Blazer Presentation for our outbound students: ![]() Rotary Exchange students are recognised by their Rotary Youth Exchange blazer. The colour of the blazer usually depends on which country or region the exchange student is from, Australia being Green. One Rotary tradition is that students cover their blazers in pins and patches they have traded with other students or bought in places they have visited as evidence of their exchange. It is popular for the students to bring a large collection of national- or regional-themed pins and trade them with students from other areas. This tradition is popular worldwide. We had the pleasure of District 9800 Governor Ron Payne presenting the blazers to the students. To add to the occasion, a special presentation from PDG Grant Hocking to Barry and Vanda Mullen recognising their significant contribution to The Rotary Foundation Our Club wishes Irene great happiness for her Rotary Exchange in Germany with her host families |
February is Peace Building and Conflict Prevention MonthFebruary is Peace Building and Conflict Prevention Month. ![]() |
Voluntary Assisted Dying Regime![]() Rotary Club of Keilor A special information night on the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying regime Tuesday 13 February 2024 – 6.30pm for 7pm at the Wine Bar, Keilor Hotel $20pp includes your meal Guest Speaker – Laurie DRAPER Clinical Nurse Consultant with the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Care Navigator Service Victoria was the first Australian State to pass voluntary assisted dying laws. The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act (2017), which came into effect on 19 June 2019, provides the legal framework for people who are in the late stages of advanced disease, and dying, to choose the manner and timing of their death. With comprehensive safeguards and rigorous protections, the process for accessing Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria is considered among the safest and most conservative in the world. Our Guest Speaker, Laurie Draper, is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) statewide Care Navigator service which is based at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Laurie is a Registered Nurse with 19 years nursing experience, spent predominantly in cancer care, and she joined the VAD navigator service in January 2020. In her presentation, Laurie will explain:
If you are interested in attending contact http://secretary@rotarykeilor.org.au |
Swim 4 Life Project in ThailandThe Rotary Club of Keilor financially supports the Swim 4 life Project, managed by The Rotary Club of Sammui- Phangan our Club donated $3000 to fund a 12 week learn to swim program for 20 children between 8 - 12. The first cohort has just been completed with every child receiving a medallion and certificate. Information recently received was that 40 students are about to start thesecond cohort. Unfortunately in the same update, a news item stated that 4 children decided to play and cool off in a nearby stream, none of them survived.The World Health Organisation has proclaimed Thailand as the number one country in ASEAN for child deaths from drowing. ![]() |
George Petrou Guest SpeakerOn Tuesday 26th September our Rotary Club Had a great guest speaker George Petrou who was talking about his art and his book ![]() The book tells George’s personal story – of his commitment to honouring the service of many of Australia’s service personnel, of how this commitment helped him personally through the challenges of chemotherapy, and how his work has touched thousands across Australia and overseas. Over 70 portraits, 63 stories, 425 pages and numerous serendipitous moments, George explores the idea of valour, of courage, bravery, and of sacrifice. Using images of the past and stories of today, he connects the past with our present within a unique and powerful environment. This resulting creative act, an adaptive response to the challenging environment of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a book supported by almost as many decorated connections as it hosts. We’re initially introduced to the idea of sacrifice by our current Governor General, the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC and her excellency Mrs Linda Hurley. General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC also authors the foreword. All profits from the sale of this book go directly to supporting veteran charities. Extracts from The Art of Sacrifice Foreword: What a fascinating book — full of images and words which capture the eye and give voice and further life to the stories of some wonderful men and women. It is a book of keen insights, indeed reverence and love. We learn within the first few pages of George Petrou’s journey as a migrant and then as an artist, whose life-changing illness in 2010 inspired him — and then his many collaborators — to focus their wonderful talents on this work, The Art of Sacrifice, as a tribute and expression of gratitude to so many men and women whose service has uplifted and protected the nation we love. Sometimes works of this nature can be somewhat dry or mawkish. Not so here! The Art of Sacrifice is vivid, striking and attractive — it’s pithy descriptions are often juxtaposed with the faded photos and painted portraits which leap off the page. You will be at once reluctant to turn from one story to the next but impelled to do so by the reward of what you will find. I am so glad I was asked to write this foreword: this is a magnificent book, a wonderful contribution to our Australian urge to learn and commemorate and to understand that notion of ‘sacrifice’. I commend George and his contributors for what you are all about to experience. General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC (Ret’d) |
Welcoming Two New MembersAt out club meeting on October 25th President Harold Simpson inducted new member Michael Howsen and presented membership certificates to both Michael and Beverly Thoms. Michael is a retired medical practitioner from the Niddrie area ![]() |
New Member Beverley ThomsMrs Beverley Thoms was inducted into the Rotary Club of Keilor by President Harold Simpson at a club meeting on Tuesday 12th July Beveley is the wife of current member Gavin Thoms. It is the first time in several years that the club has both husband and wife as current members. Welcome Beverley ![]() |
Keilor Rotary's 60th Birthday![]() |
Visit to Foodbank YarravilleOn Tuesday April 5th the Rotary Club visited Foodbank's wharehouse at Yarraville, to understand how Foodbank operates and to inspect the "Ride on Sweeper' donated by our club from the Rotary Club of Keilor Community Trust in June 2020 Covid-19 prevented earlier planned visits to Foodbank. Foodbank's CEO Dave McNamara, gave a lengthy description of Foodbank operations, while showing KRC members around the wharehouse. ![]() President Harold wanted to take the Sweeper for a test drive ![]() |
Social Event Cliff Harvey Reserve KeilorKeilor Rotary Club held its first face to face meeting in several months at Cliff Harvey Reserve in Keilor on Tuesday 15th February. President Harold Simpson and Ross organised a BBQ which was attended by 22 people and one pet (Poppy) ![]() ![]() A successful event enjoyed by all, which was closed by a fly past of the International Space Station at 8.54pm
Happy New year 2022Happy New Year to all Members of the Rotary Club of Keilor. Let's hope that this year will see the end of Covid outbreaks According to Chinese Astrology 2022 is the year of the Tiger ![]() Let's hope it is not the year of the Tigers in the AFL.
McAuley House Update
Rotary DuesIf you have not paid your full Rotary dues for the 2021-2022 year then your final installment is now due Please transfer you remaining dues to the Club's Account BSB: 633000 Account: 161272422 Rotary Club of Keilor Inc.
Coffee for Hospital Staff Project![]() with support from:
Raised $3150 for the Rotary Project “Supporting Doctors, Nurses And Health Care Staff to show support during this time of crises, by offering a coffee to say “THANK YOU” ![]() The donations were greatly appreciated by staff at Western Health, which were used at their Christmas celebration when the Doctors , Nurses and Health Care staff were given a cup of coffee and a doughnut in recognition of their untiring work during the Covid-19 crisis. Rotary was advised that while staff at Western Health are struggling to cope, they will remember the kind thoughts and generosity behind that last cup of coffee. ![]() Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions the staff are no longer to meet together to have a cup of coffee. ![]() ![]() |
Medical Recycling ProjectIt is with regret that due to Covid and resourcing issues, the Rotary Club of Keilor is unable to continue with the medical recycling project that the Rotary Club of Keilor has been running for a number of years
Charter Day for Keilor Rotary ClubOur Rotary Club celebrates it birthday (Charter Day) on the 31st of August each year. The Charter was presented on the 31st August 1962 Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions our club could not celebrate it's 59th birthday. So we look forward to a spectacular 60th birthday in August 2022
Vale June Madex![]() June Madex passed away early this morning (August 15) after a lengthy illness. June had been an inpatient at John Fawkner Hospital for many months, but came home on Thursday. Our thoughts are with Kevin, Melinda and Rian. Kevin had his own health issues for all of the time that June has been in hospital, and it's appropriate to acknowledge here the extraordinary generosity and friendship of Mary and Joe Engert, shown in the support that they have given to Kevin (and June when she was home), all of which enabled Kevin to focus on June. Funeral arrangements will be advised when known, although all members need to be aware of the current attendance limitations for funerals (10 persons only), so we anticipate that our attendance will be online. Thanks to Glenda Bryson for the photo.
Coming Up August 17 – Marlene Boulos. Marlene Boulos. ![]() Marlene is the optometry director at Specsavers Keilor Downs and will be talking to us about how important eyecare is to our greater community in saving sight. Marlene has attended several international eye camps with Global Hand Charity (globalhandcharity.org.au), providing free glasses and eye examinations in Sri Lanka Cambodia and Fiji. Global Hand Charity has received support from other Rotary clubs. Marlene also works with an audiologist who will provide information into the importance of correcting hearing for the community. Whether that means the audiologist will be attending or not I have absolutely no idea. Either she did not “say”, or I did not “see”. Maybe we will hear from the audiologist another day. (Now, this picture may not be of the Marlene we will hear from on Tuesday, but Google said the image is of (someone called) Marlene and the eye chart at least indicates the topic for Tuesday. August 24 and August 31. We have speakers for the Zoom meetings on both nights. But in any publishing venture content is king. So you will have to wait until next week to find out who you will hear from on August 24. And 31 August is just too far in the future. |
On a lighter note:
Around the World, The Neighbourhood, Head OfficeAround the neighbourhood The plan is to include in this part of the bulletin (from the next edition) is a review of work and other activities being undertaken in our neighbourhood clubs which, for the purposes of the bulletin will be: East Keilor, Essendon, North Essendon, and Kensington Newmarket. I looked at the East Keilor Bulletin, and its 12 pages. Around the world Each bulletin I will pick a district (if you've got a favourite please let me know) and I look at the activities that they are doing. There may be something that we find attractive there that we could adopt here From head office From district, from zone, and from Evanston. Next bulletin. |
Zoom MeetingsThe board decided on Thursday night that there will be no attempt to undertake physical meetings between now and the end of August. The current lockdown rules, and capacity concerns at Keilor Hotel following a relaxation of the lockdown rules were the catalysts for this decision. It also means that while I offered to hold the Club charter anniversary at my home, there will only be two people here that day. Marie and me. The rest of you are not welcome. Well, not that day anyway. On average we get 16 members at a Zoom meeting, but it would be good to try and get a few more. If technology is the concern, can I suggest the following for those suffering from technophobia. Start at 6.45PM on a Tuesday On your device, open your browser. Type in zoom.us, and click enter Click or tap on “Join a meeting” When asked for the meeting number, insert: 847 6030 7121, and enter When asked for the password, insert: RCK3036, and enter In you’re there. Kinda voyeuristic. Your microphone will be off, and your camera will be off. So while we will know that you are there we will not be able to hear you, or see you. Now, if you would like to ratchet up your level of engagement, go to the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and you will see a microphone. If it has a red line across it, your microphone is off. Tap it, or click on it, and your microphone will become live. To turn the microphone off click or tap it again. We know that you have extraordinarily important things to say, but there might be some background noise in your environment that you may not want to share. Next to the microphone icon is an icon of an old-fashioned movie camera. If it has a red line across it, the camera is off. Click it or tap it, and your camera is on. You will be able to see what we are able to see of you and your background. That may cause you to tidy up the room in which you are in, or move to another space. There are any number of members who would be willing to act as your "buddy" for the purpose of improving your zooming skills before a Rotary meeting. |
Hand Brake Turn Happy New YearHappy New Year from the team at Hand Brake Turn. We kicked off with our first 1 Week Taster course on Monday 11th January. Places for our newly formatted 5 week course were still available, kicking off on the 18th January. If you are aware of potential students please contact us. ![]() ![]() |
Rotary Network in Celebration![]() |
Return to Rotary MeetingsLast Tuesday 19th of January we took the liberty of meeting face to face again to enhance our fellowship, following the yearly model of meeting at the home of Mary and Joe Engert. The difference this year was that due to Covid-19 we restricted by not being allowed more than 15 people at their home . It was then decided to hold the return to Rotary function at two homes. President David Whiting invited another 15 guests to come to his home expanding the attendance . It was a wonderful occasion giving us all an opportunity to enjoy personal conversations .It was particularly a joy to welcome Alan Fryday and District Governor Philip Archer . Many thanks to Mary and David for opening their homes and making us all feel so welcome. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Christmas Function at Brunswick Park 8th DecemberLast Tuesday 8th of December our Rotary meeting took a wonderful change from the Zoom meetings we have used for the past 9 months. With the planning of our Ted Cunningham and Mary Engert we met face to face in the Brunswick Park not far away from the home of President David Whiting . There were over 30 attendants . This included 2 visitors who are considering becoming members of our Club. As well we had 3 dogs in the park thanks to the contribution of Leon and Jeanette .Some of the attendants were recovering from serious illnesses and it was very pleasing to see them again and confirm that their health is improving . Ted Cunningham gave all present a Xmas gift of sweets . Kevin Nolan won the prize for the most appropriate headwear . The meeting lasted nearly 2 hours and now we look forward to resuming face to face interaction ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Return to Bunnings Sausage Sizzle 12th DecemberOur 1st post COVID Bunnings Sausage Sizzle happened last Saturday 12th of December. It took place at the nursery end at Bunnings Taylors Lakes. It was great to be back fundraising for those less fortunate. ![]() |
Board ReportThe Keilor Rotary Club Board met face - face for the first time this year at the home of president David Whiting on Thursday 10th December. One of the important decisions taken by the Board, was how the club would meet as Victoria manages the Covid-19 threat in the New Year. President David Whiting suggested that the monthly meeting arrangements could be as follows
The first meeting of the year will be a return to Rotary meeting at the home of Mary and Joe Engert 6 Monica st. Essendon (thank you to Mary & Joe) on Tuesday 19th January 6.30pm. Followed by
Resumption of Bunnings BBQAfter many months of not seeing each other face to face and of course not being able to sell sausages at Bunnings the restriction has now eased and on Saturday 12th of December we will resume our fundraising at the Taylors’ Lakes Bunnings. We enjoy recalling the view of our workers working and producing at Bunnings many months ago as per the shown photo but of course the model will be somewhat different as we will have to wear masks and still enact the compulsory distancing. ![]() |
The Hand Brake Turn Program
What a load of CrocsThis is a wonderful opportunity and an interesting new challenge. D.I.K. now have 8,000 pairs of new footwear in their Store, that we know will make many people happy, but it’s up to our Clubs to find the people who need each particular pair of shoes. Over the years we have developed an excellent relationship with Global Hand, an organization that encourages recycling reusable goods and links potential donations, with people who need them. The organizations who want the goods, state their case, how the goods will be distributed and why they should be chosen. Our track record in the goods we have pitched for is excellent. Our bid was selected by Croc’s and after five van loads, we now have 8,000 pairs of new shoes, in around 500 cartons in a range of colours and sizes – Male, Female and Children. The goods have to be given to people in need in Australia for free. We need to compliment good corporate citizens like Croc’s, who make the effort to recycle surplus material and make it available for people in need. After a considerable effort by the DIK Volunteers the rough sort, is complete. The result is around 40 pallets containing an average of 200 pairs of shoes. We think there is around 50 different styles in different colours and sizes. We have a full list of what we have received, but no way of identifying in detail what is in each carton. ![]() ![]() ![]() Very few shoes are in individual cartons. Some are in the original bulk cartons; at a glance you can see that all of the shoes are the same type, but not the number or the size. Many are the same type, but not in the original carton, so the label on the carton may not match the contents. Some are mixed cartons. Even trying to establish if some styles are male or female is a guess . ![]() ![]() ![]() The Store is not designed for the feet coming to the shoes and the distribution needs to take place off site. The volunteers in the Store will do what they can to indicate what is in a pallet, but the individual cartons won’t be opened for people to inspect when being collected. The shoes only available in pallet loads. Rotarians are creative and we are confident that you will find a way to get the shoes to their new owners. We know that Clubs will only give them to deserving people. DIK does not need the full recipient details, but we are obliged to give the donors an indication of where the shoes have gone. DIK does not wish to interfere with how each Club handles the distribution, but we would like to know you have thought it through. One idea is for Clubs to combine their efforts and share a display and distribution outlet. The greater the range available, the easier distribution will be. This is a great opportunity to help some of the people who are struggling at the moment. It will be a great boost for the people who receive them and for the people handing them out. How Clubs want to handle this is up to them. Our focus is on “Doing good in the world” and some Clubs may see this as a Comminity, DIK or Recycling Project. The recipients wont know the difference. ![]() It’s a lot of Croc, but this time the Quakka’s are happy If our Club is interested please contact David Dippie marketing@rotarydik.org |
Annual General Meeting of the Rotary Club of Keilor
Rotary International President Nominee![]() It's now official! Rtn. Jennifer Jones, member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada will become RI President for 2022-23. She will become the first woman to hold that office in Rotary's 115 years of History. Jennifer Jones says she sees Rotary’s Action Plan as a catalyst for increasing Rotary’s impact. The collar that Jennifer will wear is significant as it represents Jennifer's tribute to a woman who enabled Jennifer to break through the glass ceiling that is Rotary. Jennifer was selected on merit and her work as a Rotarian and deserves our congratulations. It is also fitting that our 9800 District Governor in 2022-2023 will be another woman DGN Amanda Wendt from Rotary Club Melbourne |
Christmas Break up - Brunswick Park![]() |
Rotary Working with Local SchoolsThe Rotary Club of Keilor working with two local schools
Rotary - Model United Nations Assembly Each year, Rotary Clubs around the world host an international youth program for senior school students which simulates the workings of the United Nations Assembly. The event, known as MUNA - Model United Nations Assembly aims to build good will and understanding challenging students to research the history, politics, economics, people, international alignment and policies in current world affairs from the viewpoint of an assigned country. Teams participate in debates which reproduce genuine UN debates - often with a fine flow of rhetoric, points of order, motions of dissent and bloc walkouts! This year, College Captains, Reshaiah Ratnayake and Christian Pino have been selected to represent CRCNK and the Rotary Club of Keilor for what will be an online event held over the weekend of 5-6 December. Adopting the role of China's UN Ambassadors, our students have an unenviable task ahead, debating on the COVID-19 crisis and China's role in it. They are up for the challenge and ready to take on a number of prestigious local and international schools. Please join me in wishing Reshiah and Christian all the very best as they enter the formidable world of International Politics in an experience that will prepare them for some of the real life challenges that lay ahead ![]() |
District Governor's MessageBuilding our networks and centres of influence![]() Talking to many Rotarians and clubs in the District, I’m incredibly moved by the amazing array of projects that are undertaken to help those in need, or improve the lives of others. Bringing projects to fruition requires considerable effort, and influence! This in turn places emphasis on those in our networks who can help us to achieve our project goals. I recently read an article on this topic, which highlighted the importance of identifying and cultivating three specific social types who can help us to bring about success: Connectors—people who like to make introductions that will aid your network growth; Informational Powerhouses—people who have strong knowledge of Rotary as an organisation and the broader business/community; and, Influencers—those who help to get things done outside of your scope. With these three types of people in your network, you will have what it takes to make your project ideas happen. To read more about these types, click here. I’m delighted to advise that a new satellite club will be chartered next Tuesday, 24th November. The Rotary CEO Satellite Club of Southbank is a new concept, bringing together a team of senior leaders from corporate, not-for-profit, research and government backgrounds whose aim will be to develop strategy to influence key stakeholders to support nominated projects; and, to adopt the United Nations’ Four Principles for Social Investment and drive corporate social responsibility. This club complements the already-established Rotary Millennial Satellite Club of Southbank with the added aim of the CEO Club members mentoring and supporting the future leaders within the Millennial Club. These two clubs accommodate the flexibility needed to attract new members to Rotary and allow us to build for the future. |
Breaking NewsThe District 9800 Secretary has advised that nominations are now open for role of District Governor for the Rotary Year 2023-2024. The nominated person must have been a Past President of a Rotary Club. If you wish to nominate, or nominate a person for the role of District Governor, please contact the Secretary Ted Haydon who can provide further information and the required nomination form. |
Return to Bunnings 12th DecemberOur Rotary Club is planning to return to the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle, our major source of fundraising on December 12th using this Covid-19 plan provided by Bunnings. Note there are 5 volunteers on each shift. - With the following descriptions and their roles listed below (All volunteers must wear a face mask) The return to Bunnings was discussed at length at the club meeting last week. We have several members who are available to assist on the 12th and several members for very relevant reasons are not availble to volunteer. The club respects each members decision in regard to assisting at a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. ![]() 1.BBQ CAPTAIN the key volunteer to ensure the fundraiser runs smoothly and is successful. The responsibilities of the BBQ Captain include: ➢ Ensure that all members of the team do not attend the sausage sizzle if they are unwell or have any cold or flu like symptoms ➢ Must wear clean clothes ➢ Must maintain at least 1.5m physical distance from other volunteers and customers ➢ Captain must be on site at all times ➢ Ensure all volunteers are feeling well and wearing clean clothes. Volunteers should not attend the sausage sizzle if they are unwell or have any cold or flu like symptoms ➢ Ensure volunteers immediately report to the Captain if they start to feel unwell during the day ➢ Ensure volunteers adhere to hygiene requirements ➢ Adhere to and complete the clean schedule checklist, by ensuring the team clean and sanitise all surfaces in the area every 60 minutes ➢ Clean and sanitise the Cook area every 60 minutes ➢ Ensure all volunteers handling food wear gloves ➢ Ensure all volunteers wear a clean, cloth, individual-use apron during the course of the day – ➢ Assists Cook if needed, by getting sausages and onions ready for placing directly on hotplate ➢ Ensure gloves are changed when shifting between roles ➢ Fill in for group members when they need breaks or to clean/sanitise hands ➢ Ensure volunteers maintain at least 1.5m physical distance from other volunteers and customers ➢ Have ample supplies to run the BBQ until 4pm ➢ Complete the BBQ checklist at the end of the BBQ with the store team (BBQ Supervisor). 2.GREETER ➢ There is a limit of 50 customers only in the line – please ensure this is adhered to ➢ Explain how to order (and pay if group brings their own contactless device) ➢ Remind customers of physical distancing requirements whilst queuing, and that hand sanitiser is available. 3.ORDER ➢ Take orders and accept payment by cash (or card if group brings own cashless payment system) ➢ If a drink is ordered, the preferred drink is collected from the esky and placed on the table for the customer ➢ Clean surfaces of the Order area with a general-purpose cleaner and then food grade sanitiser every 60 mins 4.COOK ➢ Cook sausages and onions and placed them in foil trays on the wire frame above hotplate to keep warm ➢ Places the sausage/onion on bread provided by the ‘Collect’ group member ➢ Minimum hand washing/sanitising every 60 minutes ➢ Standard rules around food safety – all food to remain covered except when cooking ➢ The cook is to call on the BBQ Captain for any assistance 5.COLLECT ➢ Collects bread and napkin from supplies table, and sausage/onion from the Cook ➢ Place sausages on sausage holder at Collect table i.e. does not place directly into customer hand ➢ Only the Collect volunteer is permitted to apply sauce whilst the sausage is in the holder i.e. sauce is not to be used by customer ➢ Customer takes sausage from holder ➢ Collect member must remain more than 1.5m from customers ➢ Clean surfaces of ‘Collect’ area and sausage holder with a general-purpose cleaner and then food grade sanitiser every 60 mins ➢ Minimum hand washing/sanitising and gloves changed every 60 minutes ➢ Must wear a fitted face mask at all times. |
SMILE![]() |
Bring Positive Energy Into Your Life
From Collingwood to HollywoodThis was the topic of our presentation at last Tuesday’s Zoom meeting. The speaker Rod Hardy had spent his childhood in Collingwood and attended the Collingwood Technical College (which was also the site of tertiary learning for Ted Cunningham and Kevin Nolan). ![]() We invited Rod to address us at very short notice after our programmed speaker cancelled at the last moment . Rod is the cousin of Pauline Lewi and we had to thank Pauline for making contact with him and asking him to address us . At the beginning of the Zoom meeting Pauline introduced Rod to our audience telling us all some of her memories of family events over the many years. Then Rod (photo above) told a long and Fascinating story of his professional life . This started in Australia of course. He was a director and producer, known for December Boys (2007) Rod has over 350 hours of credits directing television drama in his native Australia. His first feature film, Thirst won Best Picture in its category at the 1980 Asia Pacific Film Festival Having honed his directing and producing skills in Australia, primarily on the TV series, E Street from 1989 to 1991 of which he was the co-executive producer, Hardy moved to Los Angeles in 1992 to launch his American career. His first assignment was to direct Lies and Lullabies the traumatic life story of pregnant cocaine addicts, starring Susan Dey and Piper Laurie. The movie was awarded the Scott Newman Award (founded by Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward in memory of their son) that is presented annually to the production that best illustrates the degradation of and triumph over drug addiction. Since his award-winning U.S. directorial debut, he has garnered both Golden Globe and Emmy nominations for movies of the week and mini-series Hardy is well known in U.S. television circles for shows such as The X-Files, Battlestar Galactica and Leverage. He was a director and producer, known for December Boys (2007), and Marisa Romanov (2019) This theatrical feature DECEMBER BOYS was winner of the Giffoni Film Festival Award 2008. Released by Roadshow/Warner Bros, it starred Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame and Teresa Palmer. ![]() In Summary. Rod Hardy is a widely accomplished and talented director who has forged his keen instincts and trademark visual sense of story through extensive experience. His collaborative efforts are but a gleaning of his problem-solving techniques. He has a great ability to bring the best out in people, whether it is an actor’s performance or a DP’s best shot. We were fascinated by the extent of his professional life and we were very thankful that he agreed to come and address us
Breaking NewsOur first Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for the year will be Saturday 12th December at Taylors Lakes. Bunnings have advised the club of Covid -19 Safe Work Practices which will be discussed with members at our next club meeting on Tuesday 17th November. Representatives from our Board plan to meet with Bunnings to diccuss how the BBQ will operate after November 18th The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday November 24th at 6.45pm with a guest speaker after the AGM. So please attend this important meeting and bring along your nomination for the Club Board for the year 2021-2022 year. Make sure you are financial before the AGM. Fellowship are planning a Christmas function in a park for Tuesday December 8th further details to be advised. Christmas Bags will be packed on Tuesday 15th at the Aberfeldie Bowls Club. This will be the final meeting for 2020. Return to Rotary will be on Tuesday January 19th 2021. Lets hope 2021 is not impacted by Covid-19 like it has been in 2020
What Happened on November 14th1680 Gottfried Kirch discovers the Great Comet of 1680 (Kirch's Comet/Newton's et). 1896 – Power plant at Niagara Falls begins operation. 1908 – Albert Einstein presents his quantum theory of light. 1970 - Ted and Janice Haydon got married ![]() |
FOR a MEAL 60,000 meals delivered locally![]() By Tony Laycock, President, Rotary Club of Canterbury The FORaMEAL project is an initiative of the Rotary Club of Canterbury. It was originally established to help those across the Asia Pacific region, an area prone to many natural disasters leading to the loss of homes and access to basic necessities including food. However, in 2017, Dr Douglas Hawley brought to life the idea of creating simple meal packs that could be stored on location and distributed immediately after a disaster occurred. Each pack contains a mixture of rice, oats, lentils, vitamins and minerals, and can feed between five and six people. Because the packs are vegan, people from most cultures can consume them. Designed to be bland in taste, the packs can be modified by the addition of spices, vegetables, meat, fish, fruit and even sugar to accommodate most culturally significant tastes. Each FORaMEAL pack provides a nutritious meal containing the main food groups of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nutrients. The FORaMEAL packing project has been a great success across District 9800. Financial and physical support is provided by a number of individuals and organisations including, but not limited to, the District leadership; clubs within the Eastside cluster, particularly Rotary Balwyn and Camberwell; schools in the Boroondara area; and, Swinburne University. Packing events at District conferences have been a great success with up to 40,000 meals produced in a short space of time. Sponsorship of material from suppliers has also meant that a large stockpile of packs is ready for distribution. Originally destined for the Philippines, but held up because of COVID, these packs have been diverted for use in Victoria. The global pandemic has had a massive financial and physical impact on those who have lost their jobs within our community, and have been unable to access essential support. Refugee and community organisations in Victoria have been actively helping their constituents by delivering food packs and basic commodities. Rotary Canterbury has been assisting through arranging the distribution of packs across the District. Working with other clubs such as Melton, North Melbourne, Bacchus Marsh, Bendigo Sandhurst, Glen Eira and Glenferrie, along with some twenty community organisations acting as distribution partners, approximately 60,000 meals have been delivered to various organisations across the State. The demand for the product continues to grow and the Rotary Club of Canterbury stands well prepared to provide ongoing assistance. For further information about this important project please feel free to visit website: www.forameal.org or contact tony.laycock@canterburyrotary.org |
Breaking NewsDistrict 9800 Secretary has advised that nominations are now open for District Governor for the Rotary Year 2023-2024 the nominated person must have been a Past President of a Rotary Club. If you wish to nominate or nominate a person for the role of District Governor , pleas contact the Secretary Ted Haydon who can provide further information and the required nomination form.
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Powerful Pollinators![]() |
November is Rotary Foundation Month![]() November is the month when we focus on The Rotary Foundation. This “Foundation Month” has a special focus in this Centennial year of Rotary in Australia, which has shined a spotlight on its architect, Arch Klumph who was RI president in 1916-17. He has been perhaps less well known than he should have been, although his name is enshrined in The Arch Klumph Society, which recognises those who donate more than US$250,000 to The Rotary Foundation. In so many ways Arch Klumph stands right next to Paul Harris for his contribution to Rotary and like Paul Harris his personal story is inspirational. Born in 1869 in poor circumstances, he left school at the age of 12. Through hard work, study after hours and talent he became a significant businessman, eventually running a Bank and a shipping line. He had other talents and taught himself to play the flute, not remarkable of itself but he went on to become a flautist with the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. Arch Klumph’s Rotary career was just as remarkable. From charter member of the Rotary Club of Cleveland in 1911 in just 6 years he became RI President. Subsequently he chaired the Committee that wrote the Rotary International Constitution and personally was the architect of much of what we know as Rotary today, such as dividing Rotary into districts, establishment of the office of District Governor and the annual District Conference. Most of us know a version of the story of how The Rotary Endowment Fund came about, through “a vision, a little inspiration” from Arch Klumph. At the end of his term as RI President the Rotary Club of Kansas City collected money for a gift to the retiring President and when they closed the account they donated the surplus of $26.50 as seed money for the Rotary Endowment Fund, which Arch Klumph had proposed. Despite ongoing encouragement from Arch Klumph, the fund grew slowly but that changed in 1928 when delegates to the Convention that year renamed the fund to The Rotary Foundation, with separate Trustees and a separate bank account! Funds started to come in strongly and it was Paul Harris in 1929 who asked The Foundation to make its first donation (to the International Society for Crippled Children). Efforts to accumulate really significant funds were set back by World War II but in a sense it was that tragedy that defined the future role of The Foundation to become an instrument for peace in the future Today the mission of The Rotary Foundation remains the same - to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. We often overlook that so many traditional Rotary activities are made possible through The Rotary Foundation and Rotary as we know it today would be very different without The Rotary Foundation and the programs that it funds. It is indeed the “engine room” of Rotary. The whole premise of The Rotary Foundation is that it is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. ![]() |
Cup Day Zoom MeetingSaw a handful of our members interacting and focusing on the Melbourne Cup Race at 3 o’clock There was joy from those who had the winner in the sweep . This sweep was organized by Norm Draper There was a $10 sweep, $ 5 sweep and a $2 sweep Each sweep had 64 contributors and 24 succeeded in owning a horse The results were announced and we had winners – but also lot's more losers!!! Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers (Norm shared your pain!!!). Our main purpose was served, however, as we raised good money towards our Christmas Bag project. Thank you to everyone who entered - and to a couple of generous donors, a very big "thank you". If you haven't paid your invoice yet, please do so asap. Results were: $10 Sweep - 1st Meredith Nolan $150, 2nd Anthony Simpson $60, 3rd Toby Browne (Haydon) $40 $5 Sweep - 1st David Whiting $75, 2nd Carmel Bourke $30, 3rd Fiona Lewi $20 $2 Sweep - 1st Joelle Nolan $30, 2nd Joe Raimondo (TG) $15, 3rd Olivia Bourke $10 You will note that with such a good portion of prizemoney going to VicPol, we should ensure that we escape the most forensic of reviews – Norm says he was very relieved !!! |
Mirrors helping to end TrachomaDid you know the powerful effect one simple End Trachoma intervention is having in indigenous communities? Hundreds of packs of light, easily transported and safe acrylic mirror tiles have been and are being delivered to the APY* lands, and to the WA Environmental Health Program. The mirror tiles are donated by Bunnings and feedback has been extraordinary. Families want and need mirrors installed in their homes to know when to wash, to clean, to look good and potentially feel good. It appeared mirrors weren’t a priority; many homes didn’t have one. Children were being told to wash their faces to prevent Trachoma but they couldn’t actually see what needed washing. Over 7,000 mirrors have been installed in communities across South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory through Rotary’s partnerships with environmental health partners. Rotary clubs across Australia continue to provide access to hygiene and sanitation opportunities through donations. * Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) is an Aboriginal local government area in the remote north-west corner of South Australia.
Cup Day Photos Over the YearsLuckily our expert photographer Jeanette Lynch had a bundle of interesting photoes taken on these Cup Events at Ted and Janice’s home over many years. Some of these photoes refer as far back as 2011. We see some faces that are not part of our Club any more . We also see participants who are concealing their true face and of course we see Ted and Janice working hard at hosting the attendants. This coming Tuesday we will meet on Zoom and we would like attendants to dress up for this event Local Greenvale vagrant calls in for a free meal ![]() ![]() Special Guest Donal Trump Join our Cup Day Zoom Meeting on Tuesday 3rd November at 2PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89829615934?pwd=cmR3b2dIbGlDVEs0QVlDRlYrbWN5QT09 and watch a slide show of previous cup day photos |
Past Cup Day Events 2019After many years of cancelling our Tuesday meeting at the Hotel on Melbourne Cup Day and replacing it with a BBQ meeting at the home of our Ted and Janice Haydon , that year 2019, we returned to the Hotel on 29th of October to create a fresh version of this celebration of the Melbourne Cup . ![]() Partners were invited to join us of course and everyone was encouraged to wear attractive clothes, hats and for men to wear a bow tie . It then made Sergeant Liz’s an interesting job of declaring the best dressed . In the end she congratulated Gavin Thoms for being the most Dapper Gentleman and the prize for the best dressed lady was given to Carmel Cunningham ![]() |
Comments from our Lexophile• Venison for dinner again? Oh, deer ! • How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it. • England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool. • I tried to catch some fog, but I mist. • I changed my iPod's name to Titanic. It's syncing now. • Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. • I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time. • I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me. • This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore. • When chemists die, they barium. • I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down. • I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words. • Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils? • When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble. |
2020 Melbourne Cup Fundraising Sweeps.
SUSTAINABLE LIVINGRotary has a keen interest in helping the community be more sustainable and efficient in its energy and water use Importance of Trees and Gardens Trees |
The West Gate Tunnel
Rotary promotes World Kindness Day (Friday 13 November)
How will we meet on Cup Day![]() ![]() Year after year on Melbourne Cup Day we met at the home of Ted and Janice Haydon . Our format was to dress in an interesting fashion and particularly to wear good looking hat Then last year we met at the hotel and all attendees made an effort to wear attractive clothes and hats and it made Sergeant Liz's job of declaring the winner interesting . In the end she congratulated Gavin Thoms for being the most dapper Gentleman and the prize for the best dressed woman was given to our Carmel Cunningham This year will meet at 2 pm via Zoom and interact until the running of the race and await the result of the sweep |
News from our Board Meeting
Melbourne Cup SweepAs discussed at our Club Zoom meeting last evening, we are running two Melbourne Cup fundraising sweeps to support our annual Christmas Bag project for the older, most lonely and most isolated of Bolton Clarke (formerly RDNS) patients. As everyone knows, our fundraising has been decimated by COVID-19 this year and I expect that some of our regular donors, who have generously provided products to us in the past, will have had a very tough year and that their support might be restricted on this occasion. Additionally, unlike the last two years, we do not have the benefit of $1000 from the Bendigo Bank. The primary purpose of these Sweeps is fundraising for this projects, but there are very worthwhile prizes for those lucky enough to draw the eventual placegetters in the Cup. |
Fund Raiser - Rotary End Polio Walk![]() This October, Walk With Us for those who can’t Global virus pandemics are not new. Before vaccines were developed for polio in the 1950s, parents were gripped by terror: over 1,000 children were dying or being paralysed each day. Lesley McCarthy from Flemington.Kensington Rotary Club has challenged herself to walk 100km throughout the month and raise vital funds that will help eradicate and prepare us for a Polio free world. 80km done but short of $$. Could you spare $5 or more? Please support her in this important cause!All donations are tax deductible. Regards from Lesley McCarthy – past editor of the District Networker and past Flemington Kensington President |
Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action GroupESRAG involves our David Dippie. It assists Rotary clubs, districts and multi-districts in planning, implementing and evaluating service projects, building awareness, and inspiring action Interestingly as shown below , It has 6 areas of focus |
I need Something to look forward toThis may come as a shock, but I miss your company. I need to be able to focus on something positive that will happen when we reach Covid Normal, whatever that is. I think it will be in a park. I can smell the snags the David B is cooking. Jennette is trying to catch up for a challenging year and we will never be able to eat all of the cakes, but before I start, I need to sample one of Marie’s special delights. Am I going to have a beer with Kevin before a glass of white with Liz, I am definitely going to do both? Before consuming I want to do something special. I want to dig a hole and symbolically bury bloody Covid19 and I want to plant something that is growing to and flourish. Something that will remind us that with the support of good friends we can get through the bleakest times. Please give me five minutes on my own to reflect on the passed sadness and get a little misty, before we begin the rest of our lives. Give me this to look forward to and when times are tough, I can focus on the serious issue of a beer or wine first. David D |
Distict Cluster Meeting Last Wednesday 7th of October, after enjoying our regular meeting the previous day as detailed below, nine of our members participated in an interesting District Cluster meeting with some of the local Rotary Clubs. This in fact involved 10 Rotary Clubs . Such a meeting showed yet another change in our activity while in lockdown . It appears that Zoom is increasing our ability to get involved in more meetings including communicating with our neighbouring Rotary Clubs . This meeting involved the 2 Gateway Clusters. Our Gateway West included our Keilor Club and the Keilor East Rotary, Brunswick Tullamarine and the Melbourne Passport Club The list from the other Gateway group included Essendon Rotary, Essendon North Flemington/Kensington, Footscray, West Footscray and the the Gateway Rotaract Club All were on the screen except for Essendon North as this was the evening of their regular meeting Assistant Governor Michael Donnelly, member of the Keilor East Rotary Club chaired the meeting and District Governor Philip Archer was in attendance of course There were 58 participants and our Rotary Club of Keilor proudly had 9 members present. Each Club gave a report which highlighted the performance of their club while coping with lockdown condition. Interestingly while everyone appeared on Zoom Some of the participants were located out of Melbourne while taking part Despite some of the Clubs having small membership they surprised us with the great range of projects they manage to achieve – One Club achieved 7 projects with a small membership. We were reminded that the Passport Club achieved its projects with overseas participation. It was also a pleasure to see the president of Essendon Rotary Club David Abbey who is the son of our famous Royce Abbey past RI president We now realise that the benefit of having such cluster meetings is to learn about other Clubs to share ideas, learn new ways and create opportunities to do things differently |
Membership RecommendationsThe Board of the Rotary Club of Keilor held a special Board Meeting on September 24thto discuss membership ideas and made the following recommendations to commence when physical meetings are permitted possibly in the New Year. Recommendations That the club meetings continue to be held on Tuesday evenings. Meeting time to be changed to 7pm in lieu of 6.30pm. Meetings to be held in the following sequence zoom meeting, physical meeting, zoom meeting, physical meeting, the fourth meeting can be a social activity. Zoom meetings will effectively reduce the cost of meetings for members. The above sequence of meetings to apply only once Covid-19 lockdown has ended until that time all meeting to be held via zoom. Meeting venue to be chosen a month int advance. Meals served at physical meetings to be at 7.15pm. In a Month with five Tuesday’s the fifth Tuesday can be a Rotary Means Business meeting Letter box 100 -150 homes with leaflets advertising Rotary and Guest Speakers at future club meetings. Public members wishing to attend to respond via the “Contact Tab” on the club website. another possibly is use Try Booking, either method will capture the person’s email address then we will send out the link to the zoom meeting. First letter box drop to be in Keilor Village. Guest Speakers to be advertised on Facebook and the club website. Board to develop an elevator statement to present to people when talking about Rotary, statement to be about 90 words which can be delivered in about one minute |
Extraordinary Adventures of an ABC Cameraman
Queensland Fruit Fly - Jeanette LynchQueensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni), which is now making its pesky presence felt in the suburbs of Melbourne; ![]() WHAT: Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is native to coastal north-eastern Australia but has now spread inland to the NT and south to Victoria. It’s tiny - adults are only 7mm long - but it leaves tell-tale signs on fruit: dimpled skin and maggots infesting the fruits. WHERE: The flies have spread because humans are providing them with host plants, which include: Pome fruits, stone fruits, figs, grapes, citrus, tomatoes, capsicums, flowering plums, ornamental pears, lily pillies and even clivia. Ranger Stephanie Orive, Land Management Officer with the Shire of Nillumbik, explains that Victoria’s winters rarely get cold enough to kill off fruit flies, especially in urban areas. Residential gardens may just be the perfect place for female QFFs to overwinter “under eaves, in leaves and tree fissures”. WHEN: As the weather warms in spring, the adults emerge and breed. As the eggs hatch, the maggots then feed upon the fruit flesh. WHY: While QFF may be a pain for backyard fruit and vegie growers, it can be devastating for farmers, and mean more expensive fruit and vegetables for shoppers, so there are a lot of good reasons to try and control it. HOW:
To make a fruit fly trap What you’ll need:
What you do:
Rotary's New Area of Focus![]() This month’s feature - Plastic: the good, the bad and the ugly.Plastics made from fossil fuels are just over a century old. Production and development of thousands of new plastic products accelerated after World War II, so transforming the modern age that life without plastics would be unrecognizable today. Plastics revolutionized medicine with life-saving devices, made space travel possible, lightened cars and jets—saving fuel and pollution—and saved lives with helmets, incubators, and equipment for clean drinking water. The convenience plastics offer, however, led to a throw-away culture that reveals the dark side: today, single-use plastics account for 40 percent of the plastic produced every year. Many of these products, such as plastic bags and food wrappers, have a lifespan of minutes to hours, yet they may persist in the environment for hundreds of years. Plastic pollution has become a pressing environmental issue. The rapidly increasing production of disposable products has overwhelmed the world’s ability to deal with them. Plastic pollution is most visible in developing nations, where garbage collection systems are often inefficient or non-existent. But the developed world, especially in countries with low recycling rates, also has trouble properly collecting discarded plastics. Plastic trash has become so ubiquitous it has prompted efforts to write a global treaty negotiated by the United Nations. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste escapes into the oceans from coastal nations. That’s the equivalent of setting five garbage bags full of trash on every foot of coastline around the world. Plastics also can contain additives making them stronger, more flexible, and durable. These additives can extend the life of products, with some estimates ranging to at least 400 years to break down. And then there are microbeads. However, the good news is that Scientists have been working on the ability to breakdown plastics and have discovered:
to natural bioplastics. See this video from National Geographic : So what can we do? Eliminate single use plastics. Always carry a re-usable bag. Carry a Go Cup/water bottle. Avoid over packaged products. Avoid fresh produce on plastic trays. Choose unpackaged goods or buy in bulk. Recycle plastics accurately. Choose refillable or reusable containers. Pick up plastic on your daily walk. Join a clean up day. Choose products without microbeads: toothpaste, sunscreen, facial scrubs, body wash and some cosmetics. Look out for the ingredients Polyethylene PE, Polypropylene PP, Polyethylene terephthalate PET and Polymethyl methacrylate PMMA. Shop with the planet in mind. |
Club NewslettersClub Newsletters: are an effective engagement tool ![]() A good club bulletin speaks to its audience…club members, associates, corporate, government and community partners, as well as Friends of Rotary. It serves to inform, educate, and even entertain. And, importantly, a good club bulletin is the voice of the club itself, promoting the club’s culture, its activities, and its purpose. The club bulletin is an extension of, and adjunct to other club promotional mediums, such as the website and social media platforms. However, a bulletin has the advantage of being able to reach each audience member proactively by being delivered personally and in a timely fashion. However, today with so much information flooding our email inboxes, the key to a successful club bulletin is in its ability to engage its readership. |
Polio Eradication Polio Eradication Rotary Is promoting the Polio walk around Albert Park Lake on Sat 24th October
NB: PHF recognitions by Clubs and individuals may be credited to the Polio Eradication program.
Ambassador: Catherine O’Connor (Laverton Point Cook) ![]() Please join us in October to raise awareness and funds for the End Polio Now campaign. Polio walk around Albert Park Lake Sat 24 October commencing at 10am – join us for a 5km walk, or do as much as you can. Walk Your Way - quick or slow. Everyone is welcome. Red End Polio Now t-shirts will be available and we hope to a few hundred Rotarians joining the walk. What an impact we will have. Register now via https://rotarywalk.raisely.com |
Rotary Means BusinessClubbing in Rotary - Rotary Means Business ![]() This Fellowship’s mission statement is: “Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.” Paul Harris (founder of Rotary) had been very successful in business, and he valued hard work and ethical practice in whatever occupation his fellow Rotarians had worked or were continuing to work. He realised that skills acquired from the workplace could be very useful in Rotary and he saw no reason why Rotarians shouldn’t support each other in their businesses and occupations. It is not uncommon in Rotary clubs for Rotarians to support each other’s business enterprises on an informal basis. This might include purchasing from their stores, attending their specialist clinic, or seeking their professional financial or legal advice and many others. However the practice of networking in Rotary became more formalised in 2004 with the first Rotary Means Business chapter established in San Francisco. Other Rotary clubs in the area followed this lead and established their own chapters. Unfortunately, over time, these groups became inactive, as there was no central organisation to keep them together. In 2008 a Sydney Rotarian visited the San Francisco Bay area and discovered Rotary Means Business. On his return to Australia he established a RMB chapter in Sydney. Back in San Francisco Rotary Means Business resumed and a website was launched in 2011. Finally at the end of 2013 the Directors of Rotary International formally approved Rotary Means Business as an International Fellowship. In 2017 the Fellowship partnered with Rotary Global Rewards to enhance the value of both organisations. Global Rewards is a program that offers Rotary and Rotaract members discounts on products and services such as travel, entertainment and merchandise. It was established to help clubs enhance member satisfaction and retention and to thank members for their service and generous support for the Rotary Foundation. There are several styles of organisation of Rotary Means Business:
There is a lengthy guide to forming a local chapter of the Fellowship and certain policies, procedures and some legal matters accompany these requirements. However, there is considerable latitude in how each chapter conducts its meetings or gatherings of Rotarians. |
Club DevelopmentThis was the the subject of discussion at our last Rotary Zoom Meeting . Which was led by President David Whiting, who reported on the outcome of the recent Board meeting. Which led to the following plan Until Xmas Till then we expect to be locked down Our club meetings will continue to be held on Tuesday evenings on Zoom and we will encourage visitors to join us We are also developing a flyer to promote our Club. David Dippie is designing this flyer and Cameron has offered to do the delivery Overall we will target 1200 homes, Each delivery will include 150 flyers The flyer will advertise Rotary and the Guest Speakers at our club meetings. People wishing to attend will be able respond via the “Contact Tab” on the club website and could use “Try Booking. In future, either method will capture the person’s email address as we send out the link to our zoom meeting. We recognize that letter dropping is hard work but we hope to get at least. 1-2 responses per 100 letters We need to focus our recruiting to the region West of Keilor .because the Eastern region is already well represented by other Rotary Clubs. We are also updating our promotion on Facebook and the promotion will emphasise the good work that Rotary does We will target local businesses and previous members of our Club, we will promote our good projects such as Handbrake Turn Another drawcard will the promotion of our guest speakers. These Guest Speakers will be advertised on Facebook and on the club website. Our Board also plans to develop an elevator statement to present to people when talking about Rotary. This statement aims to have about 90 words which can be delivered in about one minute After Xmas Covid has forced us to meet on Zoom only but after Xmas Face to face meetings will hopefully resume. When we will resume these face to face meetings, the Meeting time start will remain 7pm in lieu of 6.30pm. And the pattern will be in the following sequence. 1st week -Zoom meeting, 2nd week -Physical meeting, 3rd week -Zoom meeting, 4th meeting - Physical meeting, the fourth meeting can be a social activity. Zoom meetings will effectively reduce the cost of meetings for members. The previous cost of attending our Club taking into account the meal, the raffle and buying a drink could have amounted to $30 per week Now we will try to reduce the cost hopefully to $60 per month which is significant. The Meeting venue will be chosen a month in advance. Meals served at the physical meetings will be at 7.15pm. In the Months which have five Tuesday’s such as March and June 2021 The meeting can use the format of a Rotary Means Business meeting. |
SmileMedical experts in Melbourne today were asked if it is time to ease the COVID lockdown. Allergists were in favour of scratching it, but Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but Neurologists thought the government had a lot of nerve. Obstetricians felt certain everyone was labouring under a misconception, while Ophthalmologists considered the idea short-sighted. Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while Radiologists could see right through it. Anaesthetists thought the whole idea was gas, and those lofty Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no. In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the assholes in politics. |
End Polio WalkWalk with Us - Rotary End Polio Walk: 1st October to 31st October ![]() This October, Walk With Us for those who can’t. Global virus pandemics are not new. Before vaccines were developed for polio in the 1950s, parents were gripped by terror: over 1,000 children were dying or being paralysed each day. Now, polio is a distant memory in most countries, but it persists in a few. The problem is that until we completely eradicate the poliovirus, children everywhere remain at risk. Alongside Past RI Presidents, Directors and Rotarians from across Australia and New Zealand you are invited to join a challenge this year to honour the life of Past RI President, Sir Clem Renouf, Rotary’s original Polio campaigner. We are challenging you to walk, run or roll 10, 20 or 50km throughout the month and raise vital funds that will help eradicate and prepare us for a Polio free world.A polio-free world does not mean it’s over either. It requires updated vaccination policies, including the phased withdrawal of oral polio vaccines (OPV), appropriate containment of the poliovirus in facilities, certification that polio has been eradicated, and planning for the transition of knowledge and infrastructure to serve other health goals. You can do them wherever you like, whenever you like and all while maintaining your social distance. For every kilometre you walk over the month you'll be improving your overall health and wellbeing. Research shows that getting at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise a day is ideal to help reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. Be part of the end game strategy and raise funds to help make Polio history so that no child ever again suffers paralytic poliomyelitis Check out the website: www.rotarywalkwithus.org |
CorrectionUnfortunately in yesterday's Bulletin there was an error in the story advertising a Polio Eradication Event for a walk around Albert Park on Saturday 24th October. This event will not be taking place this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. Please see the story below for the replacement event.
Environmental Sustainability September Newsletter![]() ![]() |
Recruiting New memebrs
COMMENTS from Gavin Thoms Situation 1. The effectiveness of our club has peaked and is now undergoing a transformation. We wish to better direct and refocus the rate of change. 2. Can we do anything to refocus our transformation? Yes, we can. We must identify our new objectives and agree the action needed. 3. Are there enough members sufficiently interested to better control the club’s transformation? Yes, there is a core of members who are willing and able to identify a way ahead. 4. Having identified the way ahead we then need to seek agreement among our members. Proposed Approach For fifty years, Keilor Rotary has been effective in doing good in our local and global communities. We should establish our benchmark by first summarising our very substantial achievements. Subsequently, we should identify those objectives that we wish to retain, and those that are now essential to ongoing healthy social interaction among our members. A summary of our achievements would be a healthy benchmark that would serve to generate interest in our Club and motivate new initiatives. Our achievements have been numerous and worthwhile. As we age, we might adapt our focus and rate of effort to better reflect our capabilities and our social needs. In particular, we need to continue most of our contributions to our communities and concurrently enhance the social interactions among our members. We need to strengthen our fellowship while assisting others outside our club to develop socially effective programs. Our membership is ageing and is less able to contribute to physically demanding projects. We should reduce each member’s physical workload while keeping a useful fraction of the current projects in place. First, we could decrease our rate of effort at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle by half. We might do this by keeping alternate months and by inviting Rotoract to do the other months. This would ensure a reduced workload for our members. Simultaneously, we would develop closer ties with Rotaract, and we would keep faith with Bunnings as we would be seen to be maintaining our allocated schedule. In turn, by giving Rotoract one half of our total schedule we would be helping them to earn money. Subsequently, they could assist us when we need help with any of our larger projects that we might need to review. This approach could take some strain off our members and it may in turn give us some breathing space. Such space may allow us to concentrate on looking for some new members. A similar approach might be applied to other major projects. We could adjust the details as we progress. For your consideration. Dr Gavin Thoms 0417077688 COMMENTS FROM JOE RAIMONDO Here is my 2 bobs worth on possible ideas to attract new members 1) Target business managers and owners in our catchment. Business Proposition - Opportunity to get to know, socialise and network with other fellow business owners and contribute to local community. 2) Invite local business owners to be guest speakers at our meetings to tell us about themselves and their business ( similar to members Job talk). Use this as an opportunity to invite other business owners to come to the meeting and learn about the guest speakers and their business. In particular target any new business opening up in the area to come and tell us about themselves and promote their business. Business Proposition - Opportunity to promote their business. In particular seek businesses that can enlighten members and guest on new technologies e.g Cloud computing 3) Once COVID Restrictions are lifted. Beef up social activities and invite local Business owners and potential new members to attend - e.g. Micro Brewery Tours, Wine tastings & winery tours, dinner at William Anglis and vocational/industry visits. 4) Review what businesses/professions are covered by existing members and what businesses are not. Target missing businesses. e.g. we have solicitor, doctor, pharmacist, mechanic & builder. But we don’t have electrician, restaurateur, real-estate agent, chiropractor, investment advisers, masseur, Computer/IT etc etc COMMENTS FROM NORM DRAPER The points that I made last night (some previously) were: It doesn’t matter what we change, unless we boost membership with at least 5 or 6 new members (ideally younger and more diverse) within the next two years, we will continue be at serious risk. Anything we change should be changed as soon as COVID-19 permits and be directed at facilitating timely membership growth. I agree that the focus for membership growth should be directed at:
We have strengths in that we (and Rotary more generally) can offer:
There are some fine tunings we should look at, eg: Meeting venue Physical meeting frequency How we "welcome" Having energetic speakers who can excite. But, above all else, we need those new members - and time is of the essence because the strengths that we can offer are deteriorating as our membership reduces and as we age. Turning these two matters (membership size and age) around quickly will enhance longevity - a failure to do so will lead us closer to the grave. Norm OTHER MEMBERS COMMENTS The balance of the attendees which included the other 16 attendees had a variety of ideas . and these are listed as follows. 1.We should increase our involvement in the community and emphasise the moral purpose of Rotary such as the 4 way test. 2. Successful Rotary Clubs seem to recruit migrants into their Club from countries such as South East Asia . They sometimes join Rotary while already supporting a charity and wish that Rotary will help their cause, 3.We should also aim for younger members and particularly female recruits. We should also reduce the cost of joining our Club as well the cost of attending 4. When visitors attend our Club it is important to make them feel welcome. They should be introduced to the President and we should give them the opportunity to explain their vocation and their contact details . 5. Networking is an important part of Rotary. We already use the services of each other at the Club . We should seek members with other vocations with the aim getting to know them better 6.Meeting on Zoom makes it easy for people to attend . This could be done 3 times per month and the remaining meeting could be a social event .. If we continue to meet face to face we ought to consider varying the venue 7. Improving our performance will result in retention of members which should be an important goal 8.Our visitors and contacts could be offered to become Friends of Rotary . This is a low key involvement with our Club and some of the friends could volunteer to assist us with some of our projects 8 We need to seek a link with local Council 9 Need to recruit members from the charities we support 10 Consider shifting the Club to Brimbank 11 Offer people opportunity to give back to the community 12 Link with the local schools |
Second Best Job in the World![]() Julian Mather is our guest speaker via Zoom on Tuesday 6th October at 7 pm Julian has seen the world through many lenses:
Julian has earned his living and excelled in all three. But he didn’t do it alone. His ringside view of life had him literally falling into the arms of murderers and rapists, following base jumpers on their quest to launch off the world’s highest cliffs and hanging out with the world’s happiest man. This is your opportunity to see the world from a different perspective. To Join this Zoom meeting please use the Contact Tab on the website |
Don't Quit By John Greenleaf![]() |
Vivid Design Guest Speaker![]() Carolyn Blackman whose gardening company called Vivid Design , a multi gold medal award winning garden designer was our presenter at last Tuesday Zoom Rotary meeting . She gave a wonderful display of her gardening achievements over the years . Carolyn has been competing at Garden shows around Australia for many years and has in fact won the prize at the Melbourne Show many times . Last year Vivid Design won their 19th MIFGS Gold award Australian Shows including Sydney, Perth and 20 show gardens for MIFGS We were fortunate to have Carolyn joining us as she lives locally in East Keilor and some of our members have used her services. She features regularly on the ABC radio on Saturday mornings . She respects Rotary especially as her father was a charter member of the Rotary Club of Keilor East. Her video show displayed some amazing work that her company has done to decorate and modernize some large gardens Those of us who have visited some of these gardens such as the Point Leo vineyard were able to relate to the subject and admire her work . Her company called Vivid Design was formed in 1996 by Carolyn and her husband Joby . The combined influence of Joby and Carolyn has ensured that gardens have equal emphasis on hard landscape design and planting design. "Our approach to landscape design is always contextual – the people, the architecture and surrounding environment being the major influential factors in the finished design. Our philosophy is that the gardens we design should be unique and devoid of authorship. The subtle weaving in of history, ‘stories’ or other more personal elements is also a particular design influence." ![]() The focus of the combination of skills and influence is to design gardens that have equal emphasis on hard landscape design and planting design. The Vivid approach to landscape design is always contextual – with the architecture and surrounding environment being major influential factors in the finished design. The subtle weaving in of history, ‘stories’ or other more personal elements is also a particular design influence for Vivid. Vivid Design’s gardens are designed to: ❖ Compliment and enhance the environment in which they are situated (including architecture of the buildings and surrounds) ❖ Reflect the needs of the client and ultimately those people that will use the space ❖ Meet achievable maintenance levels to ensure the gardens long-term success . ![]() Vivid Design’s clients include residential developments in Melbourne, Sydney and rural areas of Victoria. and Commercial clients |
Rotary on the Move![]() ‘NEW CLUBS ARE A SIGN OF THE TIMES’ Article by RI Director-Elect Jessie Harman “Over the past six weeks I have attended charter events for three new clubs. They are examples of the new types of Rotary and Rotaract clubs emerging in our midst and evidence that Rotary is adapting to the times. The Rotary Club of End Human Trafficking, chartered in the USA, is a causebased club. Its members share a deep commitment to ending forced labour and sex trafficking and its activities and service projects are primarily directed towards that end. Whilst located administratively in District 5960, its membership is international and meetings are held online. Closer to home in District 9685, the Rotary Social Impact Network celebrated its charter in June. It is an alumni-based club, with members drawn from youth-focused Rotary programs, including Rotaract and RYLA. The Network is targeted towards young people who are actively engaged in Rotary, but have not found a suitable place in Rotary’s traditional clubs. Rather than ‘meet’ in the traditional way, members engage in a range of leadership activities through an online platform. The third event, the charter of the Rotaract Club of Woolloongabba Pride, occurred on the world stage as part of the Rotary International Virtual Convention. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Woolloongabba in District 9630, the Pride club will support Queensland’s LGBTIQ community. It is open to anyone from any background and sexual orientation and members are currently working on three main projects: supporting Brisbane’s Rainbow Hub, fundraising for Open Doors Youth Service in Fortitude Valley and developing its own youth program to educate younger people on health and wellbeing. These three clubs are part of a growing number of new types of clubs being established to meet the needs of people who wish to connect with Rotary, but are unable or unwilling to join our traditional clubs. Other new club types emerging around the world include satellite clubs, corporate clubs and eClubs as well as hybrid clubs that combine both physical and online meetings. These new types of Rotary and Rotaract clubs are a sign that Rotary is evolving to remain modern and responsive to the changing needs of volunteers. They are also an essential element of our future growth and, alongside our traditional clubs, enable us to expand our reach, attract a more diverse membership, and leverage new ideas and approaches to improve communities around the world. Learn more about growing Rotary through new club types The Zone 8 Membership Team is hosting two online forums to explore new styles of Rotary clubs as a path to membership development and growth. The forums in September and October will cover new types of clubs, processes for starting new clubs and the factors underpinning their success. The forums are recommended for District Leaders, District and Club Membership Committee Chairs and others with an interest in starting new styles of clubs. “ |
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Recruiting New MembersAt our last meeting President David Whiting led a discussion about starting a Club recruitment program . This was followed by our Glenda Bryson displaying a powerpoint presentation about the Rotary Club of Adelaide which recently had a successful program of finding new recruits. The following photos are taken from this powerpoint presentation Five years ago the Rotary Club of Adelaide faced the brutal fact that in the previous 15 years it had seen a gradual decline of 30% in its membership, which was rapidly aging and seriously lacking in diversity. And there was an uneven Gender Balance ![]() So the plan was to encourage the recruiting of more female members It was also time to reinvent ourselves and the following was our yearly plan ![]() After 5 years of the campaign These were the satisfying results ![]() Note the increase in each of the 5 categories Now we are more diverse ![]() ![]() We have embedded a Fellowship and Speaker program ![]() ![]() ![]() The Strategic Action Plan covered 5 years ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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September is Education & Literacy MonthLiteracy is at the heart of basic education for all, and essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, curbing population growth, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy Literacy is a significant and specific goal for Rotary
Carolyn Blackman- Speaker on ZoomJoin the Rotary Club of Keilor's Zoom meeting next Tuesday 15th September to watch a presentation by gardening expert Carolyn Blackman Carolyn has over 20 years experience in Horticulture and Landscape Design. She is a regular guest on Saturday Morning Gardening program on Melbourne radio ABC 774 and an advocate for a range of Vertical Garden products. ![]() Our Zoom meeting commences at 7pm sharp to join this informative presentation please use the Contact Tab on this website
Colour your World A Promotion from our District 9800 Announcing of a new Area of Focus– ‘Supporting the Environment’ Environmental Sustainability as the new Area of Focus and has the potential of transforming Rotary and some believe it is the equivalent of two other Rotary Milestones – End Polio and the introduction of Rotary membership to Women. It aligns with the current surge of interest, support and concern in the community. It is probably the biggest door that opens opportunities. - Our DG Challenge: The current lock down and on-going pandemic has sabotaged many activities. DG Philip Archer’s challenges the Environmental Sustainability Committee to come up with a safe activity to engage members while in lock down. The Response: ‘Colour your World’ (in the current world of shades of grey)
• Gardening is well recognised for its positive impact on mental health and general well-being o it is a simple idea o it is a tangible activity o it does not involve leaving your home and is therefore safe o it is an opportunity to engage members o the message is clear – Colour your World so we can Colour our World ![]() ![]() We believe Colour your World can work: Colour your World is the first step in a broader strategy that the Committee will be supporting. The immediate focus is that this initiative that can be started straight away. The call to action
In taking this up, your Club gets the chance to support this new Area of Focus. |
Bolton Clarke
Friends of Rotary - Werribee RotaryThe Rotary Club of Werribee has developed this association for their Club over many years now and they have 50 Friends on their listIt uses the plan that if you want to be able to help on a specific Rotary project but don't have the time or financial capacity to become a full member, you can become a Friend of Rotary. As a Friend of Rotary, you are welcome to attend their meetings but there is no obligation. The Club sends friends a copy of their weekly newsletter (The Bulletin) to keep you in touch with what's going on in the club and if you see an event or project that they are planning and you would like to contribute in some way, you can simply contact them. Thus Werribee Rotary has this growing list of people registered as Friends of Rotary. Their involvement increases the opportunity to do bigger and better things in the community. At the same time, it will give these friends a good insight about Rotary and the club may eventually lead to them considering becoming a member in the future. So, if you want to get involved in great community projects, all you need to do is complete the Friends of Rotary form and we get back to you as soon as possible |
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Famous RotariansJohn F. Kennedy Rotary Club of Hyannis, MA President, USA Walt Disney Rotary Club of Palm Springs, CA Animation filmmaker Francis Rotary Club of Buenos Aires is now the Pope Pope Sir Donald Bradman - Australian Cricketer . Rotary Club of Adelaide Luciano Pavarotti Rotary Club of Modena Italian opera singer Neil Armstrong Rotary Club of Wapakoneta, OH As Astronaut he was the first man to walk on the moon |
WHO Declares Africa Polio FreeThe World Health Organization (WHO) on 25 August announced that transmission of the wild poliovirus has officially been stopped in all 47 countries of its African region. This is a historic and vital step toward global eradication of polio, which is Rotary’s top priority. ![]() After decades of hard won gains in the region, Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) — WHO, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gavi, the vaccine alliance — are proclaiming the milestone an achievement in public health. They offer it as proof that strong commitment, coordination, and perseverance can rid the world of polio. The certification that the African region is free of wild poliovirus comes after the independent Africa Regional Certification Commission (ARCC) conducted thorough field verifications that confirmed no new cases and analyzed documentation of polio surveillance, immunization, and laboratory capacity by Cameroon, Central African Republic, Nigeria, and South Sudan. The commission had already accepted the documentation of the other 43 countries in the region. The last cases of polio caused by the wild virus in the African region were recorded in Nigeria’s northern state of Borno in August 2016, after two years with no cases. Conflict, along with challenges in reaching mobile populations, had hampered efforts to immunize children there. Now that the African region is free of wild poliovirus, five of WHO’s six regions, representing more than 90 percent of the world’s population, are now free of the disease. Polio caused by the wild virus is still endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean region. The African region’s wild polio-free certification was celebrated during a livestream event. Speakers included Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, Bill Gates, Rotary International President Holger Knaack, Nigeria PolioPlus chair Dr. Tunji Funsho, and representatives of other GPEI partners. The celebration was followed by a press conference. ![]() In the program, Knaack spoke about people needing good news during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. “The challenges ahead are formidable,” Knaack said. “That’s why we must recognize this great achievement and commend all the people who played important roles in reaching this milestone. It took tremendous effort over many years.” An achievement decades in the making Not detecting any wild poliovirus in Africa is in stark contrast to the situation in 1996, when 75,000 children there were paralyzed by the disease. That year, at a meeting of the Organization of African Unity in Cameroon, African heads of state committed to eradicating the disease from the continent. To bolster the effort, also in 1996, Rotary, its GPEI partners, and South African President Nelson Mandela launched the Kick Polio Out of Africa campaign. Using soccer matches and celebrity endorsements, the campaign raised awareness of polio and helped more than 30 African countries to hold their first National Immunization Days. Mandela’s call to action helped mobilize leaders across the continent to increase their efforts to reach every child with polio vaccine. . |
Charter Night 2020The focus of our Zoom meeting last . Tuesday was the celebration of Charter night, remembering the creation of our Club in 1962. There was a maximum attendance of most of our members . They were accompanied by their partners and we were particularly pleased to see Glad Joslin the widow our recently deceased member Keith Joslin . The meeting started in a good mood of celebration encouraged by the home delivery of cake and birthday balloon to each of members. This was achieved as result of Mary Engert doing the cooking and packing and Harold and Roz Simpson delivering these gift to the front door of all our members . In the course of the meeting we all enjoyed eating the cake and drinking our wine The selected speaker to remind us of some of the history of the Club was Past President Harold Simpson who led our Club in 2000/2001 Things were so different at these times . Our club was still meeting at lunchtime . This was on a Monday and the location was the Ultima Function Centre in Keilor Park . We still had 42 members and 15 are still members today including Marie Barbera who joined us during that year having recently been widowed The fax was the communication tool between President, District, other Rotary clubs and other organisations interested in telling their story. That Rotary year our Club boasted many Major Projects. This included. Foodbank Many members were involved in the major renovation of Foodbanks storage area, food packing area & office. Approx 2800 man hours was involved. The club supplied a new refrigerated Ford Transit van to enable food picks from various businesses that donated the excess stock. A couple of anonymous members donated a ton of rice/pasta a month for 12 months which equated to over 800 meals a month. Peer Support The club financed and organised the training of School Teachers in skills required to help those students in need. Program was very successful and many Teachers were trained from Primary & Secondary schools in our area. Kids Undercover An organisation that supplied and built accommodation for young people that had no where to live for various reasons The club undertook the decorating of the Palladium at Crown Casino for the Kids Undercover Ball, in its first year it raised $100 000.00. Our club continued its involvement for a few years. Major focus in house for the club was membership ( nothing has changed) P.P Doug Fox Lane organised some brainstorming sessions debating ideas on how and where membership could be increased Harold Simpson has been a creative and busy Rotarian since that year. As shown in the photo an important activity that occupies him is the Camp Getaway at Axedale near Bendigo . He is a frequent volunteer at this Camp and is now promoting the rehabilitation of the Mini Golf Course an important feature of the Camp which we created in 2001 ![]() |
Covid-19 Playset![]() |
Balywn Membership Drive![]() The best story of recruitment success that I can recall was the result of promotion by the leader of our Keilor Rotary Wine Appreciation events in 2018 and 2019., His name is Stan Gawel and it gave Balwyn Rotary Club the option of showing the District how it can be done better . In July 2014 the Club had 46 members after eight retired during the year; then at the end September 2015, it grew to 72 members. By July 2016, it was targeting 100 members. And this target is not vapour-ware --- the club has a pipeline already of a dozen or more potential members. President Anthea Rutter says the success is due to this Membership Development Director Stan Gawel, but Stan says he’s got plenty of great helpers. [PHOTO: Stan with a barra he caught near Darwin — these days he fishes for Rotary recruits]. Stan had been with Balwyn RC for only 18 months: “One of my friends in a mutual organisation invited me,” he says. His business is the tough game of wine wholesaling, and before that, retail banking around the State. “Getting members is a sales exercise and the Rotary Club is your product,” he says. “Get off your chair, target suitable people and make the sale face-to-face. Everyone says it’s difficult but I just say, ‘Have you ever asked anyone?’” To illustrate the importance of face-to-face, he tells how the club in August divided the suburb into four zones and letter-boxed them with 3000 flyers. The number of inquiries: zero. They also put up a recruiting booth at the Camberwell Sunday Market on three occasions to see what response we could achieve. No recruits resulted but he believes it promoted Rotary generally and could have gained recruits to other clubs. “Most Rotarians are uncomfortable about sales, but they should be brave and sell the benefits, like giving back to the community, friendships and a lively social program,” he says. “Be upfront about the expense; Rotary isn’t cheap. And when prospects say they’re too busy raising kids, it’s a cop-out. Our best recruits are the busiest people. “Club member George Skandalellis and I cold-called heaps of small businesses around Balwyn last month and that’s getting us four likely members, additional to five business owners recruited earlier. We also asked all the businesses to be gift sponsors for our Christmas raffle, and that got us $2500 worth of raffle prizes-- all for just two hours work.” Most of the club’s 18 recruits last year are female, improving the female ratio to 30%. “But our pipeline is 10 prospective guys so we got our ladies together last week and asked them to keep the female ratio going by bringing a girlfriend to our special membership night on October 27. “Our cold calls were largely to male-owned businesses but this month we’re going with a lady member and targeting female places like dress shops.” The club has upgraded its website, Facebook and social media and Stan says 3-4 members came in last year that way. “I’m targeting right now an insurance chap who’s on the committee of a key sports club. If I can win him over, he’s likely to bring others in from his club.” Even the club’s guest speakers can become recruits. “We’ve converted one and potentially two more,” he says. Stan is on the Fathers’ Association of Genazzano College, Kew, and he reckons there are 5-6 prospects there. One may join when the school year ends in November. The club helps many charities and it’s no crime to suggest the executives join up, Stan says. Another tactic is to try to convert some of the club’s Friends of Rotary pool into members. “Whatever works, go for it,” he says. |
Our Assistant Governor![]() At our last Zoom meeting we were blessed by having the visit from our A.G. Domenic Cichello . Domenic was introduced by his good friend Tom Barber Domenic was raised in the Bairnsdale Area and graduated from the Bairnsdale Technical School He met Tom Barber while working at the former Department of Civil Aviation and working in the administrative capacity within the Airports Branch. Apart from providing administrative support to Engineers and Building and Technical Officers within the branch, he was also involved in producing and maintaining the Civil and Building Works and Maintenance program for the branch. He has been a Rotarian since 1985 and says that in being a member of a Rotary Club “ I have been able to, satisfy my desire to contribute to the world community. “This opportunity to serve has been presented in repeated opportunities; irrespective of where the life issues have been thrust upon a community or individuals. These opportunities to serve fellow human beings have arisen due to conflicts which have been imposed by a natural or catastrophic disaster or by the devastation caused by an expansionary power bases; or by economic conflict or otherwise by evolutionary neglect.” By being active in Rotary it has provided him the opportunity, as an individual, to help change lives and further develop his community spirit through my participation and involvement. “I first have joined Rotary, as a charter member of a newly formed club in 1985. I was also privileged to have been selected as a Charter President of a new club in 2013-14. Then I became founding member and Vice President of the recently chartered Rotary Club of Wyndham Harbour.” He also was District 9800 -Committee Member & Southern Region Delegate for the Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) Domenic’s Message As well as entertaining us with the story of his Rotary Experience. Domenic used the example of his Wyndham Harbour Rotary Club’s success and particularly the contribution of their recruiting new members with the intention of using their vocation as a basis for Networking. Networking has been the strength of Rotary every since its inception in 1905 and we should resume its use to find new members Rotary mainly provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. As well "Rotary is a great way to strengthen one's network of contacts." It is a good avenue for young people helping them build credibility and stature in the community and. developing a virtual Rotary Business Network by creating a broad directory of Rotarians and friends of Rotary and their businesses .. So as well as participating in the 5 avenues of Rotary service another benefit of being a Rotarian is to have your business and services promoted to your Rotary peers in this Business Network |
Student ExchangeGlenda reported that the ABC had done an article about Rotary Youth Exchange students 'stuck' because of COVID-19. ![]() One of the students that they have interviewed was Yoqub Davlotov, from Tajikistan. Glenda recalls receiving a phone call from Tasmanian Rotarian Felicity Gifford, asking if our club could meet Yoqub at Melbourne Airport and guide him to his flight to Tasmania, as the person who was to do this had a family emergency. Yoqub was due to fly home to Tajikistan on the 25th of July 2020 - it was in Glenda’s calendar! He may still be in Tasmania due to COVID-19 and low international travel options. The coronavirus pandemic is testing the resilience of young people on student exchange in Australia and abroad. Rotary's Youth Exchange Program (YEP) sends, on average, 150 teenagers overseas each year and hosts a similar number of foreign students. The global health crisis has seen 80 of the current contingent return home to Australia or overseas. Some say they are glad to be home, while others are resisting a premature end to their exchange. 'I feel like a Tasmanian' Yoqub Davlatov's student exchange to Australia was his first overseas trip.(Supplied) Tajikistan is home for Yoqub Davlatov, who had been soaking up the Tasmanian way of life for the past 11 months. Unlike other Rotary exchanges, the plan to have the 17-year-old visit Australia was hatched between Rotarian Felicity Gifford and Yoqub's family a few years ago when Ms Gifford volunteered in the Central Asian nation. Yoqub said the support of Ms Gifford and her family, as well as his Tasmanian friends, helped him enjoy his first trip overseas. "It felt very strange but I got used to it, and now I feel like I'm one of these people. They treat me like I'm living there," he said. "It's really good to feel like a Tasmanian person. "Yoqub Davlatov has developed a love of bushwalking since arriving in Australia.(Supplied) The biggest challenge for Yoqub and Ms Gifford was finding a way for him to return home, with few routes available to Tajikistan. "[The exchange has been] worthwhile because the opportunities he's had have changed his life," she said. ![]() 'I'm safer here' Fifteen-year-old Sofia Seneme is on a year's exchange in Wagga Wagga in south-western New South Wales. She said it had been difficult to watch her country of Brazil become one of the world's coronavirus hotspots. Sofia Seneme says she feels safer living in Australia than back in Brazil at the moment.(ABC Riverina: Mollie Gorman)
"I worry about my family. My city is the worst city [with coronavirus] in the region. "My family were happy for me to stay. They feel I am safer here." Sofia's choice to remain in Wagga Wagga was mostly because of her love for the region's natural beauty and the friendships she had forged. |
District 9800 Zoom Breakfast![]() |
Projects for our ClubThis was the topic of discussion at our last meeting .. Our presenting members reminded us what projects the Club hopes to achieve in the coming year Hand Brake Turn Gavin Toms Who is on our organizing committee .reminded us that Hand Brake Turn Creates Opportunities for life for specific people Our Rotary Club of Keilor is a proud supporter of this Hand Brake Turn an organisation helping to turn around the lives of disadvantaged young people. It provides hand’s on training in automotive skills for young people aged 15 to 19 who have difficulty within the mainstream education system. Medical Equipment Reissue Project David Dippie is involved in this project. The Rotary Club of Keilor, together with a number of other Rotary Clubs in Melbourne’s west, have established a program to facilitate the placement of donated second hand mobility & lifestyle aids into the community where such placement is endorsed and requested by a health, allied health, aged care, disability service provider etc as meeting a need that cannot otherwise be met in a reasonable timeframe because of its urgency, lack of access to funding etc. The types of equipment include walkers, commodes, shower chairs, mechanical slings, non-motorised wheelchairs, adjustable beds etc which have been sourced from organizations and individuals who no longer need it. Available equipment will have been checked and appropriately cleaned, and will be provided on the understanding that it is second hand and that full responsibility for its use rests entirely with the user. Christmas Bags for the Elderly Citizens: Norm Draper reminded us how in the Year 2019, our Rotaty Club of Keilor provided Christmas Bags to the elderly in our local community. We had the support of the following suppliers Bendigo Bank East Keilor, Sukin Organics, Fergunson Plarre Bakehouse, The Reject Shop, Jason Atkins Pharmacy, Pharmacy Alliance, Sigma Co Limited We hope once again to distribute these Christmas Bags with the assistance of the Bolton Clarke Nurses YEAR 11 TO YEAR 12 SCHOLARSHIPS – With the leadership of Ted Haydon we aim to obtain another District Grant for the Keilor Downs Secondary College student who will commence Year 11 in 2020 and complete Year 12 in 2021 and who’s family is financially challenged. We hope to receive $500 from District and $500 from us will assist student at this school. Glenda Bryson talked about ROCAN A project whose aim is to raise public awareness of ovarian cancer and to fund the development of an early screening test for the disease. Since its inception, ROCAN has raised approximately one million dollars. Over the years, it funded research at the Royal Women’s Hospital and the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research. Some of the research was funded with matching grants from Australian Rotary Health. Harold Simpson spoke about Camp Getaway Mini-golf Course Wich is urgently in need of maintenance This made us recall the Grand Opening of Golf course in December 2011. The following is the report in our District Bulletin “A large crowd gathered to see the fruits of the labours of the Rotary Club of Keilor, as PDG Colin Gibbons officially opened the nine hole mini-golf course. Brainchild of PP Russell Atkins and PP David Dippie, the course was designed with input from students at the Keilor Primary School. Alluding to the three and a half year construction phase, PP Russell quipped that he thought he ought to set an opening date for the project before the primary school students started university! The date certainly galvanized the completion phase of the project, with tireless input from the Rotary Club of Keilor, assisted with civil works from members of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Sandhurst, and landscaping works from the Rotary Club of Keilor East; plus numerous other club and community contributions. A feature of the nine hole mini-golf course is its ready access for camp users who are in wheelchairs, or. who have some mobility disability All features of Camp Getaway (Rotary D9800), are focused on access by people of all abilities to mark the opening, Master of ceremonies, PP Russell, assisted by PDG Colin presented a ceremonial putter to Chair of the Camp Getaway (Rotary D9800) District Committee, PP Paul Kirkpatrick. The nine hole mini-golf course is certainly an asset that the Rotary Club of Keilor and Camp Getaway can be very proud of “ |
More Smiles![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Covid-19 Current NewsDr Bartone detailed the history of Covid dating from its birth in China last year to the gradual spread around the world . For months Australia has felt optimistic about containing Covid-19, but a resurgence of the virus in Melbourne has put those efforts at a critical stage. About 300,000 people were ordered back into lockdown this week amid a military-assisted operation to "ring fence" 10 postcodes at the centre of the outbreak. The problem has escalated in the past fortnight - there were 482 active cases in the state of Victoria. The numbers remain below Australia's March peak, but what's concerning to authorities is that local transmission which is now the key source of infections. Previously, most cases were coming from travellers returning from overseas. Australia's curve flattened rapidly three months ago with the enforcement of lockdowns and mandatory hotel quarantines for people entering the country. It has had about 8,000 cases in total and 104 deaths. In every other state, the virus has been dramatically slowed or eradicated. So what's gone wrong in Victoria? There has been failures in hotel quarantine Premier Daniel Andrews has pinpointed the origin of many infections to workers who were overseeing hotel quarantines breaking the rules. More than 20,000 travellers have gone through 14-day quarantine in the state. A report which traced Covid-19's mutation in Victoria found that hotel staff cases were the "ancestors" of ones found later in suburban homes. So how did the virus spread? Allegations of blame have been levelled at private security firms contracted to operate the state's quarantine. Neighbouring New South Wales took a different approach - using the police force. Below it the graph of cases this year ![]() Victoria has faced accusations of systemic failures such as guards being improperly trained or not given enough PPE. Mr Andrews has also described cases of illegal socialising between staff, listing examples of workers sharing a cigarette lighter or car-pooling. Local media also reported claims of sex between guards and quarantined travellers. The government has ordered a judicial inquiry into their quarantine operation and fired the contractors. Unlike in many states, the virus had been 'seeded' In early May - during Australia's lockdown - authorities expressed concern about a virus cluster among workers at an abattoir in Melbourne's west. About 111 cases were eventually linked to the site, which had been the subject of a rapid trace-and-track response from authorities. Lockdown restrictions eased a month later, allowing people to again visit friends and family, and enjoy other freedoms such as eating out at restaurants. But experts believe that secondary cases from that cluster - and possibly others - were still festering undetected in the community. ![]() At the end of his speech, Dr Tony was flooded with questions It was a stimulating Rotary meeting |
New Opportunities for Rotary Clubs Posted by PDG Gina Growden- Public Image Coordinator In keeping with our new International Theme: "Rotary Opens Opportunities", the start of a new Rotary year is always an opportune time for all of us to re-assess how we do the things we do in Rotary. Covid-19 means that many of us are staying home more, have more time available and can tackle all those issues that have been shelved in the ‘when I’ve got time’ basket! Now is an ideal opportunity for developing a Public Image plan for the 2020-21 Rotary Year. As you all know, without a plan there is little chance of achieving any significant results. Public Image is a vital component of everything we do in Rotary and a plan that is written down and adopted by all members of the club and has clear and achievable goals will ensure that positive outcomes are reached. An effective public relations plan for our club will:
![]() Now is also an ideal time to look at our club branding and make appropriate changes to ensure that you comply with Rotary International’s standard. Regardless of whether or not you ‘like’ the compliant Rotary logo (it’s not ’new’ any longer after 7 years! Who calls their 7-year-old car a “new car”?) the decision to change to the logo was made by the Rotary International Board back in 2013, and as Rotarians it is our responsibility to abide by that decision and to make sure that we comply. Does your website display the compliant logo and have all, outdated International themes been replaced by the current 2020-21 theme: Rotary Opens Opportunities? Now is a good time to make those changes. Now is also the time to do an audit on your club merchandise—are your banners up to date—if not, order new ones; are your club polo shirts and name badges displaying the correct logo—if not, order new ones—and destroy the old ones—they keep reappearing if you don’t! |
Time to Smile![]() ![]() |
The Current Covid-19 Crisis Current Covid Crisis ![]() was the subject of our last Zoom meeting. This meeting attracted more than 15 guests . The drawcard was that the guest speaker was our well known Dr Tony Bartone Dr Tony has been seen on TV almost every day lately giving update on the current Covid pandemic .At this zoom meeting we had visitors from many sources including Torquay, and at least 2 visitors had attended our meetings previously . and we hope that they may develop the interest to see us more regularly Covid-19 means that many of us are staying home more and have more time available and can tackle all those issues that have been shelved in the ‘when I’ve got time’ basket! We need to see visiting faces more often Now is an ideal opportunity for developing a Public Image plan for the 2020-21 Rotary Year Dr Bartone gave us permission to record his address so if you missed it and would like to view it , the link is |
Who is Dr Tone BartoneOur visiting speaker . Dr Tony had visited our Club a few years ago and we also have the good fortune that our member Michael Schiavello knows him quite well. Both are sourced from Calabria and Michael happened to be his godfather . Tony does some of his general practice work in Niddrie and we have a good relationship with him Dr Bartone was elected Federal President of the AMA in May 2018, and at the 2016 AMA National Conference, he was awarded Fellowship of the Association in recognition of his outstanding services to the AMA and as a mark of the high esteem in which he is held by Fellow members. Dr Bartone also completed a Master of Business Administration from the Melbourne Business School in 2004 with First Class Honours average ![]() |
Uncertain times call for innovationThis article refers to the Rotary Club of New Albany Ohio U.S.A.. Rotary members of that Club are shown loading boxes of assembled face shields for Form5 Prosthetics. With the help of this Rotary Club, the company has produced more than 5,000 face shields for health workers. ![]() Wash your hands. Wear face masks. Self-quarantine. COVID-19. Pandemic. Whoever thought these phrases or words would become part of our everyday life! As a Rotarian, I know we are “problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change.” When our District 6690 leaders communicated an opportunity to use a district grant in response to the global COVID-19 crisis, I knew we needed to jump in. But how? What impact could we make in our community using a district grant? The Rotary Club of New Albany, Ohio, proceeded to submit a grant proposal to purchase a 3-D printer for Form5 Prosthetics to increase their production of the re-usable face shields for first responders and medical professionals. Form5 Prosthetics is no ordinary non-profit organization. The young CEO and innovator, Aaron Westbrook, was a newly inducted Rotarian with big ideas and a big heart. Form5 is also near and dear to the hearts of our community. In true Rotary fashion as People of Action, our club rallied to not only respond to the pandemic but to also support one of our own. I’ll let Aaron tell the rest of the story: Form5 Prosthetics has a goal of making 10,000 face shields for health care workers. Although I have only been a Rotarian for about four months, I feel like I have been a Rotarian my entire life. I have always had the heart to serve others and to give to my community. I was inducted roughly two weeks before COVID-19. I made it one of my goals for 2020 to serve my community in a new way, beyond my work at Form5 Prosthetics. I believe that Rotary is the way to connect those with voices in your community – “the do-gooders” — and together make a collective impact, especially in a time of need. And that’s exactly what Rotary has proven to be for me. That collective impact is something that inspires me to get up in the morning and drives me late into the night working. It is what has made all the impossible things in my life possible. As following executive orders, health guidelines, and stay-at-home orders became our normal, our team at Form5 could not help but follow the innovation happening overseas by makers and engineers stepping up to provide PPE in a dire shortage. In just four days, our board and committee members designed and 3-D printed a re-usable face shield to protect the eyes and airways of those on the front lines of the pandemic. Three months later, we have now produced 5,000 face shields with a goal of 10,000 to donate to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We pivoted our work to print our face shield design – leveraging our creativity, passion, and idle printers due to not being able to work with recipients. This expansion of our impact could not have been possible without community organizations like The Columbus Foundation and The Rotary Club of New Albany, Ohio, and others that funded our production of face shields – providing additional 3D printers, materials, supplies, etc. The health and safety of our team, recipients, and volunteers remain at the forefront of our work going forward and we have been mindful of the service of our Rotarians in our face shield production. We were happy to begin pick-up and drop-offs of supplies in June – allowing Rotarians to assemble shields and bring back to Form5 to sterilize and distribute to those on the front lines. The Rotary Vision is more than just a statement – it is who we are! “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.” |
Last week's QuizLast week’s meeting ![]() took a different model thanks for our Cameron Horder (Photo) who presented us with a quiz containing 20 questions and put us on the spot to test if we knew the answers. The answers are shown in the last column on the right
Some relief from the current stress![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
PARAPROSDOKIANSPARAPROSDOKIANS are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence is unexpected. Winston Churchill loved them...
Some examples: 1. Where there's a will, I want to be in it. 2. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 3. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. 4. War does not determine who is right - only who is left. 5 Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. 6. They begin the evening news with 'Good Evening,' then proceed to tell you why it isn't. 7. To steal ideas from someone is plagiarism. To steal from many is called research. 8. In filling in an application, where it says, 'In case of emergency' - notify: I put 'DOCTOR.' |
Youngest President sets record at Rotary Stawel
Corporate MemebrshipCorporate Membership ![]() The Perth Rotary Club recently accepted the Magic Coat for Kids joining the Perth Rotary Club as a Corporate Member on Friday 17 July 2020. Di Wilcox is Founder and CEO of Magic Coat for Kids a social/emotional well being program for children. After 20 years of teaching, Di realized that our children are under increasing stress and pressures which was increasing their anxiety and anger levels leading to mental health issues at a young age. She wanted to create something that taught children simple and effective concepts that enabled them to feel more calm, confident and have the ability to problem solve as well as recognise and manage their own emotions. After some research in the areas of CBT and Positive Psychology, Di created The Magic Coat. Using the analogy of putting on a bright yellow coat using their imagination, children are taught that all the characters that live inside the coat pocket each represent a strategy that they can use throughout their day to help them manage worry, negative feelings, build confidence and have empathy for others. Di also believes that for a program to be effective with children a common language must be created that parents, teachers and children can all use together which is why the workshops and resources created for The Magic Coat are all for parents, teachers and children to do together. While Di originally wrote the program for children to use in classrooms it is now being used for adults and children in prisons, women's refuges foster care and child care centres. It has also been successfully used in indigenous communities including Broome, Mt Magnet, Cue and Meekatharra. the Board of Directors and Members of the Perth Rotary Club welcome Di Wilcox and the Magic Coat for Kids to the Club. Could Keilor Rotary find its own Corporate Members ? |
Special General Meeting 21/07/2020Special General Meeting We had the Special General Meeting of our Rotary Club of Keilor held via Zoom on the 21st July, Fourteen members were in attendance, which was above the required quorum of nine members The Proposed Constitution and Rules were passed with minor amendments to include the club name and club locality. The Proposed Rotary Club of Keilor Bylaws were passed after several amendments, namely
The Secretary will now lodge the updated Keilor Rotary Club Constitution and Rules with consumer Affairs Victoria. Note that Corporate Membership remains an important option for recruiting new members to our Club |
Face Masks at Keilor Rotary Face Masks at Keilor Rotary ![]() This week face masks have become compulsory all over Melbourne ,and some of us have been working at designing washable and reusable face coverings as a cheap alternative This option involves constructing a sock mask by turning socks into DIY masks The method of achieving this is found on the internet. and the method only requires a sock and a pair of scissors. After chopping the heel off and cutting down the non-heel fold of the sock, you open the sock out to form a rectangle shape before making further cuts to create ear holes. This has been achieved by our own Glenda Bryson and she gave us 2 demonstrations of the end result as shown in photos As well as protecting you against dangerous viruses this mask can also protect against unpleasant sights |
Face Mask for Holloway Aged CareDonation to Holloway Aged Care ![]() In response to the Covid crisis our Club made a donation of 400 masks to Holloway Hostel this week Aged care stands as a looming disaster for the state in regard to the pandemic of Covid 19 Our local Holloway Hostel that we have been supporting for many years has avoided any Covid breakout in contrast to the Nursing home down the road called Embracia The most important protection against this disease is the wearing of masks As of the 19th of July, all staff from all departments at the hostel are wearing masks. Disposable masks have been supplied and will continue to be supplied until instructed otherwise. Staff must dispose of a mask after 4 hours or if the mask if soiled. We received thank you letters from the families and from the staff who are now wearing them |
Dr Tony Bartone Guest SpeakerRecently at a recent meeting of our club we were fortunate to have Dr Tony Bartone as our guest speaker. It was an opportunity to learn
from an expert all the things that we all need to know about Covid19, what do we need to do personally to keep ourselves, our Families and our Community as safe as possible. ![]() Dr Bartone is a Melbourne GP and the President of the Australian Medical Association. The topic Covid19 a Personal Perspective If you would like to watch Dr Tony Bartone's talk, Please click on the link below to start the video |
Memories of Jeanette LynchAt our last meeting Jeanette recalled that when Leon was still in charge of Rotary Friendship Exchange in 2001 he arranged a group of 9 of us to travel to Oregon USA . That was in October 2001. The travellers were Leon with Pauline , Jeanette with Michael , Marie Barbera and 2 other Rotarian couples from other Clubs As usual This RFE program was structured as a reciprocal exchange for Rotarians to be hosted in the homes of Rotarians for 3 or 4 nights in 4 different Clubs . Our only cost was to make our way to Oregon , There was no cost to Rotary While we were planning our trip The September 11 attacks terrorist attacks in USA took place and some partners such as Pauline preferred to cancel the trip . Leon said to Pauline “ I am going , you can stay home if you wish “ In the end everyone agreed to travel . We made our way to Eugene, Oregon the city of our Rotarian hosts. It is also the site of The University of Oregon . This university proudly boasted of its gridiron team . So eventually we were invited to witness this American Football match between the Oregon University and Stanford University The host Rotary Club paid for our attendance and we felt honoured by the donation Before moving to the ground we were invited to take part in what they called a tailgate party which is a social event held on and around the open tailgate of a vehicle ( as per . We enjoyed eating and drinking before the match . ![]() Then we moved to attend the game between these two University teams We were fascinated by the strange model of playing football . particularly seeing defending players leaving the ground and being replaced by attacking players The Oregon team were doing well but towards the end of the match they overtaken by their opponents. and lost the game We moved to leave the ground and the next excitement was the result of someone kicking one of the footballs into the crowd. This football hit Jeanette on the head . Luckily Dr Leon was on hand to treat her to reassure her that there was no serious injury Our hosting in Oregon was held in interesting rural houses . We recall that one of these houses was protected by an electric fence around garden to keep out the deers Hosting was very friendly and comfortable . The only complaints we recall was when Jeanette opened the window of her bedroom because she found the room too warm . Her hostess asked why she wanted to warm the verandah Then Marie had also one small complaint with the hosting . Each the four houses where she stayed owned a dog and Marie had not warned them that she was scared of dogs Our hospitality had a high point when we stayed in Coos Bay One of the Rotarians worked in the local police force .. His contribution was to take us for a tour the town in his police van. Marie remembers the experience of being taken to prison Then October happened to be the birthday month for a few of our members . The first to celebrate was Leon . To celebrate we made our way to King Estate Winery which was a wonderful organic winery,. the wine was fantastic but it cost more than we expected as Pauline found out when she got home . Pauline held up the title of being the best shopper Next function was a barbecue next to a rustic cabin along the Wells creek . Interestingly the cabin had no power except for the generator that had the task of powering the alcohol making machine to generate margarita for the players . After the meal the main entertainment was to hit golf balls across the Wells creek Pauline was taken for a quad bike into the forest and we thought we lost her and we worried that you would never see you again but she came back safely We all had a very good and fabulous time seeing an interesting part of the world It was just after this exchange that Leon passed on the role of Chair of Friendship Exchange to Jeanette which she has held for the next 20 years |
The Electoral College USAThe Electoral College ![]() was the subject for our speaker at our last Zoom meeting ,Stephen Marantelli – In the course of Stephen's presentation, we got an insight into what is going on in the United States at the moment in the lead up to the Presidential Elections in November, and perhaps a little insight also into the strengths and tensions in the long established Australia-United States relationship. The Electoral College is a complete mystery to most Australians with our Westminister style of parliamentary democracy. And yet it is the very mechanism by which the President of the United States is elected. Stephen Marantelli is a barrister. He has a passion for American history, in particular, the history of the presidency. The nature and trend of the American-Australian alliance is better understood in the light of that history. A successful author, Stephen's imaginative and thought provoking book recounts an imaginary meeting in London between Edmund Barton, Australia's first Prime Minister, and George Washington, the First President of the United States. When all is said and done, it's the Electoral College vote — not the popular vote — that decides the presidency. Some states are considering legislation that essentially bypasses the Electoral College. Should New Hampshire join in? The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors from the all of the states. New Hampshire has four of those electors. In most states, the candidate who wins the popular vote in a state wins the electors. The candidate who wins the most electors nationally wins the presidency. A handful of other states have implemented other ways of distributing their electoral college votes. In Maine and Nebraska, for example, electoral college votes are distributed based on who won the popular vote in each of the states' congressional districts. The Electoral College and the popular vote In the 2000 presidential election, Democrat Al Gore received 50,999,897 votes; Republican George Bush received 50,456,002. In the Electoral College count, however, Bush tallied 271 electors to Gore's 266. Bush became the president. A similar situation arose sixteen years later, when Democrat Hilary Clinton received 65,853,514 votes to Republican Donald Trump's 62,984,828, but Trump carried the electoral college by 304 to Clinton's 227. Because of these results, some states have been passing legislation agreeing to the National Popular Vote interstate compact. States that join the compact agree to award their Electoral College votes to the candidate who receives the most votes nationally, not the candidate who wins the state, once the compact has reached enough members to constitute an electoral majority. According to the National Popular Vote website(link is external), twelve states and Washington, D.C. have passed National Popular Vote legislation, totalling 181 electors. Faithless elector laws There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that binds electors to vote for the candidate who won their state's popular vote. Though it is rare, electors have occasionally opted to instead vote for a candidate of their own choosing. Twenty-eight states have passed laws that legally require electors to vote for a particular candidate, such as the winner of the state's popular vote. Punishments for breaking the law vary from subjecting the faithless elector to a fine or disqualifying them and replacing them with a backup elector. So far, these laws have not been enforced or tested in court. |
Coping with the Covid-19 Virus![]() In this difficult phase of life in Melbourne our John Dean gave us the following personal report “How Karen and I have coped with having the Corona virus surrounding us. We have not had any signs of having the virus and have endeavoured to follow the Government guidelines whenever possible. Our life has been basically the same other than it has limited our Social activities and certainly my involvement with Rotary. During the First Quarter of this year for instance I had involvement in each of our monthly Bunnings BBQ’s, the picking up of tables and chairs from Monmia Primary School, the Keilor Gift, Holloway Bus Shelter and the pick-up of chairs and tables from PEGS. From mid-March this involvement ceased because of restrictions that were brought in which proved to be a blessing in disguise for Karen and I as it has allowed us to put all our energy into clearing out Karen’s mothers’ house which has recently been sold. Selling the house under “Virus” conditions was an interesting exercise due to the many stringent conditions put on Real Estate Agents, e.g. limiting the number of people allowed to attend Open Days and Auctions and the strict sanitising rules that now apply. Trying to find charities that were willing to come and pick up goods was also a challenge. Luckily, Helping Hands, although their shop is currently closed were happy to come and pick up goods providing all goods were put outside the house and in the open. At one stage I thought we were going to be left with a lounge suit as it wouldn’t go through any doors. Whilst taking a five minute break, Karen all of a sudden remembered that when the lounge was delivered 20 years ago that the same problem presented itself and was resolved by it being put through a window and thankfully, what came in, did go out the same way, with difficulty. Roll on 7 August settlement. What are we going to do with our time then? “ |
2nd Speaker Tom Barber The 2nd speaker was Tom Barber He talked about his interview with the Herald Sun which led to the article shown on the right which was published a few days ago Tom started work with DCA, in Melbourne in, the Drawing Office, in Aug 1966 after arriving from the UK 10 days earlier. The following is his work history . The following is part of his report Melbourne (Tullamarine) Airport opened to international traffic on 1 July 1970 I was working at Melbourne (Essendon) Airport in 1970 when Tullamarine opened and of course visited the site many times during its construction. All Melbourne based DCA staff were invited to Tullamarine for the opening ceremony to ensure we would be part of the history taking place. Not everyone was able to leave their workplace but still quite a number of us went along. My Work was focused on civil engineering, operational design and airport management, leading to roles such as, Technical Coordinator, Project Manager, Airside Operations Manager and Airport Duty Manager until I retired in 2009. why was Ichosen to speak on behalf of Melbourne Airport (MEL)? My history above plus the fact that I was one of the few remaining people still alive who was around at the opening and who had held a few interesting positions over four decades. And the fact that I still have some contacts at MEL and have continued providing consultancy assistance from time to time since I left. Current connection and recent work Two years ago, the company I am working with were commissioned to investigate and complete the following Tasks;
As MEL was approaching the 50th anniversary, the media department were putting out the feelers to find out who was still around and who was working for DCA prior to and during the opening of MEL. They contacted the Civil Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) at Essendon Airport for some names and my name was one of the four names that popped up. We volunteer and meet at Essendon Airport every Tuesday. The CAHS provided photos and a historic dialogue with newsworthy items in chronological order ![]() |
Last Week's MeetingLast week’s meeting was started by President David Whiting overviewing the Club’s program as discussed on the previous week. As there were no comment or objections , the meeting continued by inviting two speakers to expand and tell about special moments in their life The first speaker was me, Leon Lewi I talked about my memories from the Rotary year 1998/99 It started by highlighting the old habit of Clubs toasting another Rotary Club as shown in photo above , often the Club is in another part of the World . In this case it was the French Rotary Club of Armentieres in Normandy This led to this Rotary Club responding to toast by offering to soon visit our District as the first part of a Friendship Exchange Then the resulting warm relationship led to this overseas Club organizing a group of Students visiting us as part of a project of Vocational Training Here are more details Toasting of Rotary Clubs is usually done by members of a Rotary club to a Club in another part of the world. It was something our Club used to do years ago , The toast reminds us of the international nature of Rotary and that clubs like ours are active and doing good on every continent. The Club on this occasion was the Rotary Club of Armentieres in Normandy and we had a good response leading to first phase of a Friendship Exchange. Rotary Friendship Exchange This is an international exchange program for Rotary members and their friends This reciprocal program has been the activity over the years of both myself and later Jeanette Lynch . It is satisfying and establishes strong friendship between international Districts This Club relationships leads to fellowship and sometimes to service projects. On this occasion this overseas Club offered to bring a group of their members to visit us . When they came they visited many of the Clubs in our District as shown in the photo above . We hosted them and Marie Barbera still remembers the pleasant experience Our return voyage was a well organized tour of Normandy and Brittany including the town of Armentieres of course . The tour was very detailed and interesting and in the course of the 2 weeks we attended 6 Rotary Clubs It was organized by a smart Rotarian in the city of Tours and he lent us his daughter as a tour guide. The final association was a series of Vocational Training Tours (VTT) These are for a group of professionals to travel to another country either to learn more about their profession or to teach local professionals about a particular field. In this case we were linked with some of our French colleagues who had daughters who were doing a commerce course in Paris in a college that had the system of sending their students overseas in the middle of their course to a country what was not French speaking. Most of them went to the USA . In this case they came here and we arranged very convenient hosting and employment |
Paul Harris Sapphire
Mary and Joe enjoying the award ![]() |
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Holloway Aged Care – We continue to supply incontinence pads & other consumables. Sunshine Hospital Reissue Room This project was a Finalist in the Premiers Sustainability Awards 2019. New legal agreement has been issued for our consideration. District-Environmental Sustainability Group Keilor PS school bags & supplies - 80 packed bags & 5 boxes of supplies were despatched to Timor Leste in September / October. Christmas Bags for distribution through Bolton Clarke Nurses – Our request to Reject Shop (one of our major donors, but which has undergone a change in executives) has been supported positively. Aldi has responded in like manner, however when it came to crunch time, we were let down. Individual members were able to purchase the goods needed from Aldi. We have $1000 from Bendigo Bank Grant and approval has been given for up to $1000 additional (the component to be used will be dependent on donated goods/supplies). Objective is to have just 1 bag pp (using 100 of the Rotary Shopping Bags). |
The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention |
Rotary’s first online convention will be a great way to connect with members around the world. Now More Than Ever, Rotary Connects the World: The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention is happening 20-26 June. You’ll find breakout sessions on new ways to engage members and be inspired by internationally known speakers during the general sessions. Several breakout sessions focus on engaging and attracting members. Plan to attend one or all of these: • Using Virtual Tools to Engage Members, on 22 June • Grow Rotary Through New Club Types, on 23 June • Digital Trends of 2021: Using Tech to Engage Millennials, on 25 June • Engage Young Families With Service and Alternative Meetings, on 26 June See the full list of breakout sessions and look again often for updates. We hope to see you online! |
National Volunteer Week It Occurred from 18th May to 24th May Changing Communities , Changing Lives * |
The Rotary Club of Keilor welcomed the students of Wycheproof P-12 College at Keilor Sports ground as they stopped for a meet & greet with Keilor Primary School & Catholic Regional College North Keilor students, to stretch their legs and to have lunch, prepared by the wonderful ladies committee of the Keilor Bowls Club with some of the goodies supplied by Senserrick's of Keilor & Fergusson Plarre.
There were certificates of appreciations exchanged between the three schools and the kids had a blast playing & socialising with each other.
At Night the Wycheproof students are enjoyed Candlebark Farm facilities for their overnight stay in Healseville and the following day they visited the Healseville Sanctuary.
There are many businesses, Rotary Clubs and individuals who have supported this fantastic event and they will be acknowledged in a future post.
We hope the Wycheproof students enjoyed this special excursion and that many fabulous memories are made
Katie Wilford was our guest speaker at our meeting on 16th of July 2019.
Katie Wilford is an Iowa native visiting our land Down Under . She has just completed her Master of Education at the University of Melbourne. Her research explored the embedded intentions regarding Koorie peoples in Victorian education documents.
After submitting her research paper, she ventured off to holiday in Perth (and down the coast) for two weeks. She currently spends her time volunteering at D.I.K. and Missionaries of Charity, providing free mathematics tutoring at Epping Secondary, visiting and presenting at Rotary clubs across the district and crossing off those last minute adventures in Melbourne before returning home. Katie has one more trip planned in late July, to Uluru, which crosses off visiting all six states!